Planned Strangers.

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Tommy didn't like the tone Tubbo changed to. It was a deeply harsh tone. Not the one he had spoken in before when he told him to leave Dust in his room.

"About what?" The blonde questioned his roommate in hopes for a response not against him.

"I need you to agree that whoever comes in this door. You are not going to kill. Okay?" The brunette explained. Well that's good to hear. It's not against Tommy this time.

"Uhm. Okay I guess?" The teen had hesitated. Confused as well. What was that supposed to mean. As long as whoever it was, was nice to Tubbo and manly. It'd be fine.

Nothings fine Tommy.

"Okay good." Tubbo turned around and opened the door to a tall boy. He couldn't be much older than Tubbo. He seemed jumpy. Very.

"He seems jumpy and nerdy." Tommy insisted. It's his opinion so it obviously can't be wrong. And it's also Tommyinnit so it's not wrong either way.

"No. Well. I mean he's jumpy but nerdy? Eh." The brown eyed boy put forth. He was definitely nerdy and no one could tell him otherwise. Only nerds are jumpy.

"Hey that's rude." The tall boy expressed. Nothing that came out of his mouth mattered. It was going to be something a nerd said and Tommy didn't need to hear that. He was only staying for the sake of Tubbo.

"Sorry, Boo." The brunette sighed. He could tell Tommy didn't like him from seeing the guy. But he let him in the apartment anyways. Tommy could not believe how much betrayal he went through at that moment.

Get over it. You've had worse.

"What the hell kind of name is that." The blonde questioned. Yeah he was definitely nerdy.

"Oh sorry! My names Ranboo. Tubbo told me you're Tommy? Correct?" Ranboo hesitated to ask. How dare he say his name like that. Tommy was not going to let his name be throw in the dirt like that.

"Yes but you are no longer allowed to say my name again. Nerd." Tommy scolded the tall teen. That's his name. Not anyone else's.

"Oh- uh okay then?-" Ranboo mumbled. He could tell that Tommy didn't like him. Good. Because he didn't.

Ranboo was extremely tall. He wasn't much older than Tubbo nor Tommy. A really stupid white and black split look in his hair. Super nerdy. And dark red eyes. Well a red and green.

Tommy wasn't like that. He was a vibrant blonde hair, with ocean blue eyes. Not as tall as Ranboo, but taller then Tubbo. He's always worn a red bandanna Tubbo gave him. And Tubbo wore the green one Tommy gave him.

Tubbo was super short on the other hand compared to Ranboo and Tommy. He had dark brown eyes, and fluffy brown hair flowing over his eyes. So it was hard to even see them.

"Tommy please just get along with him. He's an old friend. Maybe you can show him Dust. I heard he likes cats." The brunette insisted both boys. Tommy rolled his eyes but brought Ranboo into his room to show him Dust. Aka his child.


Many around the table were seen with confused looks or a nod of the head. Wil stood in ignorance. He didn't want to listen to XD. At all. He hates. Well he dislikes the guy.

"And whoever finds the kid first has him as their case. End of story. Any questions?" The masked man asked all the gathered people.

Someone who had a gas mask like Tommy, but with green hair had chimed in.

"Yes, but what exactly would we do with the kid. I understood that he'd be our case but?" The man questioned XD. Wil was just disappointed in the whole thing. If he found him. He'd take him with him and never come back.

That's a nice plan now isn't it? It's nice to want though.

"Yes. I was just going to say. If you find the kid, reveal him first off. I found with him some kind of mask on. Then after take him here. I'd like to deal with the kid. And then he'd be off your case" XD rejoiced. He was excited for the plan. Wil's father and Wil, well Wil wasn't. He wanted to prove a point. Which was going to good right now. But he'd get it across soon. Very soon.


Tommy sat far away from the stranger in his apartment. How could Tubbo just let some random into their home?

"Tommy. What's the issue with Ranboo?" The brown eyed boy speculated. He didn't understand that Tommy couldn't be around nerds like him. It was bad on Tommy's part.

"He's a nerd that's the issue. I can't be seen with nerds." The blue eyed teen protested. He would not be proven wrong on this one.

"Tommy c'mon. Just get along with him" Tubbo had questioned Tommy. He was not going to get along with some nerd.

"No." Tommy replied with in ignorance. He wasn't gonna do it.

"I'll let you go out past your curfew if you do." The brunette bargained. He knew what Tommy wanted. Bastard.

"Wow. Okay fine." The younger teen agreed. Hey at least his curfew was later. All he cared about.


Ranboo had his arm on Tommy's head like he was an arm rest. The hell. No. He couldn't protested about it because then Tubbo would get rid of his later curfew. Damnit.

The sun had already set. It was Tommy's time to shine. Going out in the dark with the stars shimmering above him. Able to use his night vision, yeah and he wanted to not be used as an arm rest anymore as well.

"Can I go? The sun set." The blue eyed teen asked his roommate. Obviously the answer was yes.

"Yeah go on. 2am Tommy. That's it." The brown eyed boy reminded him. He knew that already he just wanted to leave.

"Alrighty well byee" Tommy had already been out the door by then.

He took the alleyway he's always taken. Enjoying the night sky, the moon like a nightlight and the stars small pieces that separated from the moon. Shining the same way. He'd try to make out shapes within the stars. It was calming. That's why he loved it so much.

He decided to take a different alleyway, one he'd never taken before. It was much different from the rest, cold brick walls, the concrete ground full of puddles and cracks, the sudden mood change every time you enter one.

Tommy almost got through the alleyway till he came upon a tall man who'd worn a gas mask like him. Different style same idea. Now he wasn't a nerd. But the man studied Tommy, like he'd been looking for him.

Other man soon came out from behind him, looking like he just entered the alleyway, an immediate excitement on the mans face as he seen Tommy. Probably wasn't good. But he recognized him. That was the man wearing the yellow sweater. The one who let him run away.

"Thank god we found you before anyone else. Now cmon, we have things to discuss." The yellow sweater gently grabbed Tommy's arm and walked with him.

Why did he recognize him so much?

Why was he so familiar?

Why did he feel safe around him?

Even the other man as well?

You'll realize soon Tommy. Very soon. Soon you will realize your mistake and fix it.

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