Chapter 11

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Jake: YOU F*CK HER!!??

Jake shouting, making nearby customers stare at Jake. Y/n facepalmed at him as he sighs.

Jake: Sorry! *sit down* Are you sure you are not lying?

Y/n: No. I can show you what she gave to me last night. Lots of hickeys. Don't trust me? *grab his shirt down a little to show his hickey around his neck* Awesome right? Now when you will f*ck someone. I have already f*ck two people. I can feel there is more.

Jake: Shut up. . . I found someone yesterday.

Y/n: Tell me. Or show me her picture. I can use my experience in the game to see whether she is there or not.

Jake: *show Y/n his phone that displays the girl he meets" Her name is Naoki. Around 23 years old, and she is single.

 Around 23 years old, and she is single

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Y/n: Ok then. So how did you meet her?

Jake: Like other anime cliches, I save her from a thug.

Y/n: Wow~ what happened after that?

Jake: I get slapped.

Y/n:. . .

Jake:. . .

Y/n reaches for his cup, as he slowly brings it to his mouth and drinks it. While Jake just stares at Y/n and waits for him to react.

Y/n: You serious Jake?

Jake: Yes, but it's worth it. Her hand is so soft like a pillow. I bet anyone holding hands with her will feel a sensation they never felt before.

Y/n: A masochist I see.

Jake:. . . Hey, I can transform my palm into her palm. Wanna test it out how it feels?

Y/n: No thanks. So why did she slap you?

Jake: *blush* W-well. . . I accidentally groped her breasts.

Y/n: "who's is this shy man?" That's all?

Jake: *confused* Yeah? That's the reason she slapped me. Nothing else. It is obvious females will be slapped by that person if they touch their breasts without their permission. Like this, I will touch you d*ck and let's see h-

Y/n: I will try to find a way to kill you if you do that.

Jake: Ok ok. No need to be that serious. Geez, I try to mess around.

Jake takes his drink from the table as he takes a sip while waiting for Y/n question.

Y/n: Can you erase people's minds?

Jake stops what he is doing as he glares dagger at Y/n that is not lying right now. He puts his cup down on the small plate as he pinches his nose.

Jake: No I can't. Even if I can, I will not agree to erase someone's memory. Especially Hanaka, she is innocent and knows nothing about what her mother did to you in the past. Plus maybe you can try to understand why she left you? She is a God too.

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