March 18: Comfort Zone

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Today marks the first day in a long time that I really stepped out of my comfort zone. And I'm sure this won't be the last time this is mentioned here. We all know we are challenged in all aspects all the freaking time! That is life, isn't it?

It was only a banal task... Going to the gym. But it took a while of internal to-and-fro as I tossed up how much I wanted to be doing something so out of the ordinary.

I'm happy enough working out at home and doing exercises when I'm feeling it, but the gym is just that place where you try to perform that little bit extra.

You see, like most people who are not at their fittest or in peak physical condition, the idea of going to the gym and working out around professionally sculpted bodies can be daunting.

Factor into this equation that I haven't shaved my legs or waxed my underarms, and am frantically searching for some proper gym clothes and my car keys to get there before it shuts, and you've got the recipe for a flustered "Should I be doing this?" moment.

It would have been easy enough not to go once I was told that "It's mostly young guys working out at this time," and "The gym is pretty busy this time in the afternoon."

So to recap, we've got an unfit, hairy, wrong-clothe-wearing girl, who is debating whether or not she is presentable enough for the toned, confident young men who frequent the gym as if their life depended on it.

Not to be setting feminism back a few centuries by worrying what people think of me, but it's a tough gig putting yourself in a place where aesthetics are important and all the while not looking your tip top best.

Today's takeaway? I did it. I can do it. I went with my beloved brother, had him show me a few moves and do a few of my own and before I knew it, the hour was up. Yeah, I saw a few familiar faces. And a percentage of 95 to 5, men to women. And most were fit as anything!

But I just focussed on my own moves, nodded polite hellos if someone looked my way, and told myself that nobody really cares what I'm doing - maybe they will for a moment, but what's that in comparison to a whole hour at the gym, right?

So, it feels good to follow through on something that pushes you. Maybe being so unprepared is what made it feel more doable. I've really got no idea.

But I'm allowing myself to be proud of my efforts because that took a lot of ladyballs and gumption. I fought past the almost-about-to-cry throat-is-constricting phase and hopped in the car and just went. And overcoming the challenge feels better than crying.

Yeah. It really does.

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