The Job

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Alexander:*I've finally ran out of luck. I got fired, my bills are due next week, I got enough food to barely last me a day*

Commercial: "Are you down on your luck? Are you in need of cash? Well if so contact The Freddy Fazebear Anime Convention. Just call this number you see on screen now. Disclaimer Freddy's is not responsible for any bodily harm during working hours of 12 AM to 6 AM."

Josh: "Hello Freddy Fazebear's Anime convention. What would you like?"

Alexander: "Yes I would like the night shift job."

Josh: "Okay. come to your local FFAC and head to the manager's office."

12 minutes of driving later.

Alexander: "Um Hello. Anyone here."

He knocked on the door and a blue bunny appears.

???: "Hello sweetie~. What you lookin' for."

Alexander: "Oh just the manager's office. I am here to ably for the night shift."

???: "Oh I hope you get that job sweetie~"

The bunny escorted Alexander to the manager's office.

Alexander: "Oh I almost forgot. What's your name?"

Bonnie: "Uh name. Bonnie, Bonnie bunny."

Alexander:*Ha, she was really in character with that costume.*

Josh: "Hello...Alexander? I will have to ask you various questions."

Josh: 1: "Are you fine with Anime?"

A) "NO. Burn it in a fire."

B) "YES. Anime is my blood"

C) "No but it isn't the worst"

D) "Yes it is pretty good"

Alexander: "D"

Josh: 2: "Do you mind working 12 to 6 AM"

A) "NO. I quite."

B) "YES. I can work here 24 7."

C) "No. Earlier hours please."

D) "Yes. I am perfectly fine."

Alexander: "D"

Josh: 3: "Are you a perv"

A) "NO. And I feel offended you asked me."

B) "YES. I am the most perverted thing you will ever see."

C) "No. I am not a perv."

D) "Yes. but only a little."

Alexander: "C"

Josh: "You're hired. your salary is $850 a week."

Alexander*That is enough to pay the bills and get a month of food.* "Thank you, sir. I will not let you down."

Josh: "Okay, the shift starts at 12 on the dime."

Alexander: "Then why did we have this interview at 11:50?"

Josh: "Just be here at midnight or you're fired."

Josh: "I'll give you a quick tour of the place. This is the main stage, backstage, pirate's cove, mangle cove, male and female bathrooms. Repair room, prize corner, and last place, the storage closet. NEVER EVER GO IN THERE NO MADDER THE SITUATION DO NOT ENTER THERE."

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