Sweet Dreams

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Alexander: "Josh I have been locked in the building for over a week. Let me have more breaks." he said over the phone.

Josh: "Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffine. Tomorrow you get the day off. That is the last one for the month.

A few hours later

Alexander: "Home sweet home. Time for bed."

Alexander:"'YAWN' Where am I. WHY AM I IN THE PIZZERIA! Wait this is a different place." he said walking around

Alexander: "Wait. I remember this place. My friends from high school took me here."

Anime Fred bear: "Well hello there~ You look new. Need a tour."

Alexander looks to see he is still wearing a nightguard uniform.

Anime Fred bear: "Don't worry I'm not a perv and I won't hurt you. I am just messing with you."

He then turned the corner and got on the stage.

Anime Fred bear: "She is a bit dumb. No offense sis."

fixed Spring Bonbon: "Hey there. You look like you need a hug." she said, pulling him closer to her breast.

Alexander: "Um that's too cl-" he said being interrupted being pulled even closer.

He backed away, somehow breaking the grasp of Spring Bonbon. Alexander then looked for a way out, then slowly realized there was no way out.

Alexander:*If this is a dream, then I would probably wake up if I died. Spring Bonbon is a last resort.*

He then soon found a dark shadowy closet.

Alexander:*I feel like I am going to regret this later.*

He walked into the closet and closed the door behind him.

'Click'???: "Not many people come in here. Thank you. Time to return the favor~"

Alexander's vision slowly started to get worse and worse. Soon a jet black Bonnie appeared out of the corner

Shadow Bonnie: "How about we have some fun~"

She had her fun for a few minutes then let him go

Alexander:*There seems to be no exit. That only means... NO!*

37 more minutes of Alexander looking for a way out

Alexander:*The fact I was dreaming this will haunt me forever* "Hey Spring Bonbon. I think I am ready for that hug."

She grabbed Alexander and shoved him into her breast holding him in her arms so he couldn't escape.

Alexander:*Why does this feel real, and why am I not waking up yet?*3 hours later

Alexander: "Um I think I am-"

Fixed Spring Bonbon: "No you're staying here with me.

Alexander: "This dream should have ended by now."

Fixed Spring Bonbon: "Dream? This is real." she said, squeezing him harder.

???: "Alright- WHO ARE YOU!?!"

Alexander: "How did you get in? I looked everywhere for an exit" he said, digging himself out of Spring Bonbon's chest.

After leaving the area he walked home he felt really stupid.

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