Panic Button!

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"Barrot!" We all were yelling, looking around for him.
"What do we do now?" I asked, my throat was raw from yelling.
"Get Shellington and my uncle I suppose?" He asked, quizzically.
"We're gonna be in trouble," I exclaimed, "But we have no other choice. You watch them, I'll get Shellington and the Professor." And I ran off faster than the wind. My panic pushed me like a giant paw, forcing me to go faster and faster to find Barrot or the adults. I heard creatures yelling in shock as I nearly ran into them, but it didn't matter, nothing mattered until I found Barrot. I ran until I spotted a tall, lanky sea otter accompanied by an older octopus in a wheelchair.
"Jane!" He cried and ran toward me, "What happened?"
"We can't find Barrot," I said slightly out of breath, "We had to answer one of the others' question. and he disappeared.
"Go to the front," Inkling said, "Ask someone who works here to activate a Code Adam, give them a description of Barrot, and we'll find Squirt, Koshi, and Pinto and meet you there." I ran to the front like he asked, and at the front desk was a young sheep with dreadlocks in his wool with his friend or girlfriend, as I ran to them, they ran out to meet me.
"What happened, little puppy?" He asked, truly
"You need to activate a code... Aaron? For a small creature named Barrot Seotter, who's about this tall," I showed him with my paws roughly how tall Barrot was."
"I think you mean code Adam," His friend said softly, bending down to my level, "What does he look like exactly?"
"He's an orange half vegetable, half animal creature who's orange on the top and green on the bottom."
"Is he one of Dr. Shellington Seotter's hybrids? We heard about them on the news." She asked. I nodded. Her friend was already grabbing his mic, and paging a Code Adam.
"Sweetheart, where's your guardian? Can you go get him or her?" And I ran off again to find Shellington and Inkling. When I got back to the desk with Shellington, Inkling, Squirt, Koshi, and Pinto following behind me, there was someone standing at the front door, guarding it. But as we were searching up and down, near and far for Barrot, Tunip ran over to us. chattering excitedly.
"Tunip! What happened?" Shellington exclaimed, following him as Tunip began dragging him by the paw. He led us through the store into a small backroom, where we found Barrot with the top of a broom on his head. I lifted the broom head off of his, and he peered adorably up at us and chattered as to say, "You found me." I was so relieved that I didn't throttle him to death right away, even though I felt like it. But Shellington immediately began reprimanding him.
"Barrot, remember last night? When we talked about staying near Jane and Squirt so they can see you and you can be safe?" He asked firmly. Barrot looked guiltier and guiltier with each word Shellington said. He finally nodded, looking ashamed.
"Good boy," Shellington said softly, "Now come here and give me a hug." Barrot did as he was asked.
"Now you must apologize to Jane and Squirt for worrying them so much." Barrot came up to us, hugged each of us, and apologized in his cute little voice.
"Is all forgiven?" Shellington asked, I looked at Squirt, Squirt looked at me.
"All forgiven!" We agreed, and Barrot cheered.

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