In the Nick of Time

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"It that it?" Pinto asked, pointing towards the huge grey cave that stuck out like a gaping mouth in the ocean.

"I don't know." I looked towards him, "May I remind you it was your idea to come out here?"

"Yeah, let's go in." He shrugged nonchalantly and began walking in the direction of the cave. Any idiot on the planet's logic would have told someone not to follow this cuckoohead, but I did. The ocean seemed to slowly fade to black the deeper we went into the cave, then it hit me. We'd forgotten to bring flashlights. But to our surprise a pinprick of light appeared in the distance.

"Saumensch." Pinto whispered, so quietly that I could barely hear him, "Do you think that might be the "Venom-Fanged Sabermouth?"

"Oh yes." I whispered back, "Because a monster would absolutely carry a flashlight everywhere."

"Hahaha." Even without being able to see him, I could tell he was rolling his eyes at me, "If it's not a monster, then what is it?" Dang he got me there.

"I don't know, Pendejo, an anglerfish?" That was highly unlikely. The light seemed to be too big and bright to be an anglerfish's antenna. The light grew brighter and brighter as whoever it was approached us. Out of curiosity, we crept closer to them as well. Soon, we were close enough to make out the shadowy outline of a person? I blinked twice to confirm to my brain that I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing.

Now the realization that we were screwed settled like the sand on a seabed, and we scattered. The figure came charging out of the cave, and soon we were able to make out a grey wombat in a purple suit and yellow helmet blazed with a purple stripe.

"Ryla!" I hollered without thinking about it, and her head immediately snapped in my direction, looking startled. At that moment, Pinto popped out from behind a rock on the other side of her and swam toward her.

"Did you miss me?" He asked eagerly. He and Ryla had grown close during her visits to the Octopod. And honestly, I'm not surprised. Hardly anyone could dislike Ryla.

"Course I did, lil mate!" She beamed and gave him a one-armed embrace.

"Nice to see you around too, Jane!" She yelled in my direction.

"Hi, Ryla." I peeked out from behind the side of the cave.

"What brings you two here this fine evening?" She threw her arms around both of our shoulders. We both froze and shot each other a side-eyed glance. Did we have to tell her?

She put her paws on her hips and narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she looked from one guilty face to the other, "I'm guessing it's not something I should tell Dashi or Peso?" We both shook our heads as quickly and inconspicuously as we could. 

"C'mon. Back to the Octopod, you lot." She began to swim away from us in the direction that we'd come in, to our shock.

"How do you-" Pinto began.

"Dashi let me track the Octopod from my Octo-watch." Ryla winked at us. Ooh. We were dead, but then I remembered a certain something.

"Ryla, didn't Peso tell you no more cave diving after you nearly broke your arm cos of a falling rock?" She instantly stiffened. 

"No. Absolutely not. How did you even know?" Hehehe, so he did. Typical Peso

"I told her." Pinto piped up, looking innocently at Ryla.

Ryla sighed, but bent down to our level, "Alright, the story will be you two saw me from the window and came running out to meet me, and we came back to the Octopod together."

"But how did you even get to the middle of the ocean?" I asked.

"Scuba diving trip." Ryla winked, "Got it?" Pinto and I both nodded.

"Fantastic, lil mates! Let's do this!"

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