Craziness Never Ends

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Peso ushered us all to the HQ so quickly it made our heads spin, once we got there, we were all told to stand in formation, the adults in two lines with Captain Barnacles at the head, and the 4 of us standing in age order facing him at the end. The Vegimals stood wherever they liked, but they usually stood behind us, trying to imitate us, which we all found adorable.
"Octonauts," the Captain said beaming, "I have a surprise for all of you." Everyone started talking excitedly. Instead of yelling, the Captain just put his hands up, and everyone quieted down.
"We'll be taking a flight from Australia, where we are now, to Italy, then to Greece, then Spain, then France and finally to the U.K. where we have a press conference to be at. We'll be gone for 2 weeks." Inkling opened his mouth to interject but the Captain cut him off.
"We won't be cutting off too much work, I've called on a few Octo-agents to help. Everyone in the training program a few weeks ago agreed along with Tracker and Professor Natquik." We all murmured excitedly.
"But," The captain grew solemn, "We're going to need to train them up a little bit more, we leave next week, and everyone's coming tomorrow for accelerated training, so you better go and prepare classes, quickly! Children, stay behind, I need to talk to you." All 4 of us walked back to where the Captain was standing.
"Now, as you all know, we have to teach them all what to do in an emergency within a week. And we need all the help we can get! Can you 4 be our assistants?" He ask. We all nodded enthusiastically. 
"Wonderful!" He beamed, you all have your vests, right?" We looked at each other awkwardly. Just kidding, we did have them, we were just messing with the Captain.
"Yes, I think so." Squirt said, looked at us, and we all nodded and gave him an thumbs-up.
The Captain smiled, "Alright then, everyone, let's do this!"
"Welcome everybody!" The Captain said spreading his arms out wide, "You may hug me if you like. I'm told I'm quite cuddly." Here everyone laughed, and some people took the hug. The cubs came up to me and Squirt and told us all about their adventures. We both listened and were quite interested in what they were saying. Then we showed them to their rooms, only Shellington stopped us as Squirt and I were walking Pearl, Bianca, the cubs, Tracker, and Peri to their rooms.
"Can one of you help me with a class?" he asked us in hushed tones.
"Yeah, of course!" I said, walking over to him. He led me into the lab, and brought out a box packed to the brim with books on marine biology for little kids.
"Could you give these to the kids for me, please?" He asked me. I nodded, and ran off to give them to the kids. Their eyes lit up at the sight of new books, and the cubs immediately ran up to Squirt, and begged him to read to them, while Peri chewed on his. For the next week or so, all classes went super quick, and we were quite busy. Everyday, we would get up at around 5, wake our students up, take them to the planned classes that day, make sure everyone understood the lesson, and take them to meals. The evening was the best part of the day, we would all meet in the library, and talk, party, and it was a lot of fun. Inevitably, this Boot Camp was hard, tiring,  work, and we collapsed into bed every night. This proved to be problematic, because on the day we were supposed to go to the airport and leave for the trip, we were supposed to get up an hour earlier that usual. But every. Single. One of us slept in.

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