Learning In Spanish

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We all immediately got out of the bus and went to explore this humongous mansion of a temporary boarding arrangement, even Tweak, who was only a quarter of the way awake. We all stared in awe at the mansion, until Professor Inkling chuckled and pointed at a smaller estate right beside the humongous mansion. We still oohed and ahhed at it though, none of us had ever seen any place that big and beautiful before. We dragged all of our stuff and Tweak inside, and went off to explore. Pinto, Koshi, Squirt, and I took the Vegimals to the kitchen to check the place out, while everyone else scattered in various directions. We followed the Vegimals around as they looked around with adorable wide eyes, and attempted to climb onto the counters, until we gave them a boost. We led them into 2 rooms connected by a bathroom close to the kitchen which served at their rooms. Each room had 2 bunk beds, all with trundles. For a while, we tried to negotiate with the Vegimals on who slept where, but it's hard to negotiate with creatures who are currently jumping from the top bunk onto the trundles. I was itching to join them, but I had finish getting them settled first. After we finally decided which Vegimal slept where, it was time to do the same with the adults. Negotiation is hard work, and the penalty for not taking it seriously is ending up with Kwazii as your roommate, which from Pinto's stories doesn't sound like a lot of fun. We all had scrambled to find a roommate who we wouldn't hate of our same gender. Captain Barnacles had take one for the team and took Kwazii as his. There were only 5 of us girls, so we all "calmly" bargained for our own room. I decided to give Koshi her room simply because she's been sharing a room since she was born, which is probably the worst part of being the middle child, since after sharing with Dashi, she had to put up with me for the past 9 years of her life. Dashi had insisted on sharing with me so she could make sure I didn't, quote unquote, "cost Professor Inkling anything in damages." So we shared. The next morning, after we all got up at 5 AM, again, thank you jet lag, we all went own for breakfast and were very pleasantly surprised at what the Vegimals managed to make. There was every breakfast food imaginable on the table, and some things we had never seen before.
"Tunip?" Shellington asked, "What's this smiley face?" Tunip jumped into his lap, and chattered away happily, with Shellington going "ooh" and "I see" occasionally. And off we went to explore Spain. Inkling and Shellington took us kids off to the canals and some other places with the Vegimals to continue lessons, which we had all groaned about. Shellington took Squirt and Koshi off to one side, and Inkling took Pinto and me to another, and we all worked on our individual lessons, well, we tried to. I got distracted by all the boats passing by the canal, and Pinto had to scream Spanish greetings at them.  By the time we finished, we were 16 very hyped up kids accompanied by overworked and exasperated adults. After wandering around in Spain for a while, Shellington and Inkling were telling us it was time to go home, and that they needed to call Kwazii to pick us up. At the sound of these words, we already knew that this would go very wrong. We were right. Inkling yelled,
"WHAT?!" And stormed off into an empty allyway to continue the conversation that had started that outburst. And when he finished the call and told us the news, he wasn't the least bit happy.

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