Sacre Bleu! Insanity!

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I woke up to Dashi shaking me, and giggling slightly,
"Put some clothes on before bed, silly!" She smile, shaking her head, "Oh, Jane, what am I gonna do with you?" 
"Give me to the pound?" I asked sarcastically. She laughed, and snatched the pillow out from under my head.
"No way! Now get up! I need you to help me drag Tweak and Koshi out of bed." She exclaimed playfully. I got up and followed her outside from my small, quiet room into the loud, huge, open temporary HQ of the Octonauts. There was too much going on, that I was surprised that half of the Octonauts were still asleep. We walked down the hall into Koshi's room, which was around the size of a broom closet, and I leaped onto her bed, bouncing up and down and shaking her as hard as I could.
"Get up, get UP!" I yelled at her, she was rather grumpy, since let's face it, who wants to be woken by a small child jumping on you at 6:30 AM? She was obviously very grumpy, and threw me off of her bed.
"Koshi, get up, sis." Dashi urged her gently, "C'mon, we still have to wake Tweak up!" After physically dragging Tweak out of her bed and down the stairs, it was time to leave for the museum. We walked out of the magic woods, and saw the bus looming close to us like a giant. We climbed aboard the hulking metal tube, and settled into various nooks and crannies in the bus. Shellington stood with me and Pinto, both of his paws clutching ours. I tried to pull mine out, but he said to me, 
"No Jane, I need to keep both of you close to me so I don't lose you." That was fair, I stopped struggling, and stood in silence, stumbling a few times. I would've fallen, but Shellington grabbed me, keeping me from using my face as a landing cushion. We got to the museum, and got off of the bus. This time, it was Shellington's turn to fall off of the stairs, but Pinto and I grabbed his arms before he hurt himself too badly. Peso rushed over, and helped him stand up straight, and with that, we went into the museum. One look at the lobby, and I could tell that we were in a museum for old people. This wasn't gonna end well. We walked all throughout the museum, Inkling pausing every few seconds to inform us on a piece of old-person art. He had just stopped us all by a painting called something, I forgot, and told us that it was the creator's longing for world peace. From what I witnessed on the Octopod, that's never gonna happen. But the irony of it all was how that painting met it's demise. Kwazii was jumping around, and being Kwazii in general. Inevitably, disaster struck. Kwazii got bored and started clowning around. He was dancing and singing along to Kung-Fu Fighting, doing all the moves, and one wrongly aimed kick was the end of the painting. The crack when his foot went through the wood frame seemed to echo through the entire hall, everyone's head snapped around to look at us. The wood had splintered when Kwazii broke the frame, and some pieces had landed in his foot. Peso, ignoring the painting all together, ran to Kwazii, forced him to sit down on a bench, and inspected the injured foot. Everyone crowded around Kwazii, seeing if he was alright, and when we were sure that he was, we went up to the art director, and told him exactly what happened. He was furious, saying that the painting was over 400 years old, and the frame came from a rich donor in the 1900s, and that the King of England at the time, George the 5th, had touched it, etc, etc. Luckily, a much more empathetic museum curator came to deal with us. He told us that things like this happened, and we were the 3rd group of people who have damaged something, and we were the least destructive of the 3. The director insisted on a very hefty fine, Squirt and I stepped forward to argue, but Inkling threw out 2 of his tentacles, and stopped us in our tracks.
"Sir please, what precious few souls on this green Earth have that much money?" he tried reasoning with him. The curator jumped in, and in the end they decided not to fine us, and let us go home. It was lunchtime when we finally got out of the museum, and we were all starving. We walked down a few blocks to a restaurant where we ate, and then went to catch the bus home. My sisters and I walked slightly behind Peso and Pinto. We were sharing jokes and stories with each other when Kwazii yelled,
"The bus, the bus!"
"HURRY!" The Captain chimed in. We all bolted toward Kwazii, who was already getting on the bus. The Captain was running toward us, gesturing wildly for us to run faster, but just as we reached the bus stop, it pulled away from us, with Kwazii on board. We checked when the next bus was gonna come,
"Do to delays, the bus after No. 154 will come at 5 PM, tomorrow." Tweak read aloud.

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