Chapter 9:Jukira

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Jukira narrowed her eyes, as she saw a battalion of black clad soldiers on horses heading towards the village of Kortas. She focused on the energy within her, and sent a burst of lightning at the ground before them. The surge threw a few off their horses, and the others stopped. She leapt, landing before them, drawing her sunspear. The horsemen attacked with their pikes, and the grounded soldiers-with their swords.

Jukira deflected several strikes and leapt in the air, kicking one of the soldiers off of his horse, and landed on the horse's back. She swung, her spear cutting through two horsemens'  necks. She leapt off, and electrocuted two more soldiers. She evaded a thrown dagger and drew her pistol, blasting four more with energy balls. The remaining soldiers attacked her again.

Jukira increased her speed, and rushed to the side. She entered the minds of the horses, and compelled them to knock their riders off, and move aside. The remaining soldiers, now on foot, surrounded her. She casually blocked a few attacks and enveloped her sunspear in a burst of lightning. She swung, sending two lightning lances at the ring of soldiers, killing two of them. She channeled light, enhancing her strength, speed, durability, and balance. The Sun Warrior evaded several thrown daggers, and conjured dozens of balls of light around her, sending them at the soldiers.

Only 7 remained standing. She unleashed a mental blast, and they collapsed, their weak minds shredded and torn apart by her power.

Suddenly, the ground before her parted, and three cloaked figures rose up. The ground around and under her started changing, turning into water, ice, rock and fire. She cursed. Ergomancers.

She leapt away as the ground under her changed into fire. She cut through an ice ball, and released a beam of light. One of the ergomancers molded the ground into a wall of fire, shielding himself. She landed, and attacked, evading a few rock statues. The other ergomancers changed a few dead soldiers, turning them into huge metal cannons, that fired small metal projectiles at her. She conjured a shield of light, blocking them all, and sent blue lightning at them. The lightning met a wall of ice, shattering it, and the ice shards were flung at her. She cut through with her spear and sidestepped, evading a metal sheet. She drew her pistol and fired, blasting one of the ergomancers in the shoulder. The ground under her was turned into liquid water, and a whirlpool appeared, sucking her in, and then the water formed into solid rock.

Jukira had maybe a minute before she ran out of air, if that. She got to work, heating her body, slowly melting the rock around her, trying to take as shallow breaths as possible. Slowly, very slowly, she cleared some space around her, and blasted the rock above her, melting more and more. Finally, as her air began to run out, she burned a hole large enough to fit through. She leapt, and grabbed onto a piece of rock. She slowly made her way out of the hole, and rolled onto her feet. She looked around. The ergomancers were gone. She took a deep breath, and returned her sunspear to her back.

Jukira drew in light, making her fatigue go away. Suddenly, a vision appeared in the forefront of her mind.

A battalion of Keltorian soldiers escorted the survivors of Iloar Village, that had been attacked by a raiding party. Their clothing was ragged and torn, and they were littered with wounds. The soldiers' weapons were notched and worn, their shields cracked, their horses on the brink of exhaustion.

Suddenly, a pack of demon hounds attacked them from behind. Four Tearia, two Rothari and a horde of Kyroans joined them. The Keltorian soldiers formed a shield wall around the villagers. The demon hounds leapt on them, and the two Rothari struck the soldiers with their hammers, while the Kyroans charged and slammed their heads into the wall, and the Tearia fired spells at them. They kept pummeling, trying to find a weak spot. The Keltorian soldiers were well trained and disciplined, however, holding against the attack.

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