Chapter 13:Raid

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The Crystal in Xular's staff crackled with energy, and a green bolt of lightning shot out, killing the Carthor before it could leap. Two more took its place. They slashed with their talons, but he encased his arms in green armor, and deflected their attacks. He then channeled power through his Rings, and released a torrent of fire, frying the creatures. The Carthors screeched as they died.

More Carthors came, however. He sent ice shards at them, killing a few, and crushed a few of them with telekinesis. He unleashed a storm of lightning, electrocuting any that were unlucky enough to get caught in its range. He projected his mind to them, easily breaking through their mental defenses, and turning them on each other.

A sonic blast killed the remaining Carthors.

Suddenly, a dark flash appeared. Three Tearia walked out of a portal, their darkswords drawn. "Halon, Echeras, Kitaran. I defeated you time and time again. You know you can never succeed. Why do you insist on getting your revenge?" Xular said. "Because, today, old man, we will win. Your display was impressive. But it left you weakened. This time, you will be the one left in the dirt" Echeras replied. "I think not" Xular said, and slammed the butt of his staff into the ground, sending a tremor through the earth. They leapt away to safety, and retaliated with dark energy.

Xular raised the earth, forming a wall, blocking their attacks. He sent water and fire whips at them, and lightning crashed down around them. Echeras snarled and shattered the earth wall. Xular called down lightning from the sky, and channeled it through his staff, towards the Tearia. Echeras tried to absorb the energy, but lost control, and it struck him, sending him to the ground. Xular concentrated, and vines grew out of the earth, entangling him. Halon and Kitaran burned the vines and attacked him with light and dark energy, though he stopped them with earth. More vines grew, and he sent water, extinguishing their fire. He molded the ground around them, and unleashed a telekinetic wave, sending them to the ground.

Suddenly, a burst of lightning hit him, and a telekinetic wrench carried him forward. The Ring Wielder blocked Echeras's darksword with his staff and outstretched his hand, absorbing a torrent of lightning. Xular channeled the power into an earth barrage, and pinned Echeras. He channeled light, healing the lightning burn.

Halon and Kitaran attacked him together. He blocked their darkswords and delivered a vicious staff slams to their jaws. He pushed Halon away with telekinesis and slammed the head of his staff into Kitaran's sternum. He channeled lightning, and Kitaran convulsed. Xular snapped his neck, and the corpse fell.

Suddenly, a dark energy blast struck him. He barely evaded Halon's next attack, and pushed him away with an earth fist. He channeled light, expelling the dark energy from his body. He attacked, pelting Halon with his magic. Then, Echeras's darksword impaled him in the gut, and he was sent to his knees. "We will spare you this once, old man. But next time, we shall kill you, once and for all" Echeras said, sheathing his weapon. The two teleported, leaving the Ring Wielder alone. Xular healed his wound, emptying his red and black Rings. He conjured water, and drank it, wetting his parched mouth.

He stood back up, and tightened his grip around his staff. He could not stay in Suran any longer. His friends were in need. He headed toward the vehicle store. It was time, to fight again.

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