Chapter 3:Xular

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He drove past Vanraael, not sparing the city a single glance, without stopping for breaks. By sunset the next day, he had reached Suran, where an old friend resided. He had asked for help, and Talaeos was determined to give it, whatever it was.

Talaeos parked his speeder, and headed towards the blue tower in the center. The citizens and the guards glanced at him, most recoiling or looking away. Everyone in Keltorea hated him, except for the other Sun Warriors, and a few others. His friend, Xular, was one of the few who still held him in high regard, aside from his brothers and sisters-in-arms.

He reached the tower without incident, which surprised him, given the city's huge population and the local gang's regular mischief attempts. The two guards raised their weapons as he approached, but reverently stepped aside when he lowered his hood. "Is Xular here?" he asked. "In his study. He is expecting you" one of the guards replied. Talaeos inclined his head and entered through the door, after giving him a pat on the shoulder. He walked up the winding staircase, and knocked on the door.

"Enter" an old man's voice sounded, and Talaeos opened the door. Xular faced him, and a warm smile crossed his wrinkled face. The two friends embraced each other. "It's good to see you again, old friend" the old man said. "Likewise, you old rat. Still up and running, I see" Talaeos said. "I may be old, but I still have strength in my bones. Unfortunately, not enough of it. You see, the reason I called four your help is not to deal with Kentra and her gang. I could have taken them all down myself. No. This is far more serious. You heard the rumors about the Tearia, I presume" Xular said. "Haarzen?"

"Yes. Him and his cursed hound. They've been roaming the area for several months now. Every city they visited, and I mean every last one of them, have been utterly destroyed. Gaenlin, Ulmara, Lidaer, Kita, along with a few villages, they are now burned to the ground. Sun Warriors hunted them, but most could not find them. The few that managed to track them down, were slain. It became so bad that a whole squadron came after them after the destruction of Gaenlin. None returned. Pyron, Lumaira and your brother, Juralen, were part of the second strike team that was sent after them. Only Lumaira and Juralen survived. Haarzen and his hound are still active. They were last seen in Jorkal. Juralen and Lumaira are still hunting them" Xular said. "What about other Ring Wielders? Surely their combined might would allow them to neutralize, or at least hamper them."

"Oh, we tried

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"Oh, we tried. I was the only one who lived. I am old, Talaeos. My powers are no match for them now. My Ring is nearly depleted. I am forced to use the energy in it sparingly, to sustain myself for a few more years. I could, of course, refill the Ring, gain an enormous amount of power, but my old body wouldn't be able to handle it. This is why you are needed for this. You, Juralen, Lumaira, and anyone else who can still fight. My days are over. It is now your responsibility. I am sorry" Xular said.

"If the orders' best magicians could not defeat them, what chance do three Sun Warriors have? I will do all I can, but there is little chance for success" Talaeos said. "Oh, but you forget one thing. You still have the Stone, do you not?" "The last time I used it, I destroyed Vanraael, killing thousands of innocents. I do not wish to unleash such destruction again" Talaeos replied. Xular sighed. "Your unwillingness to use that power gives you credit. You are noble. But this is not the time. You have to kill them. Otherwise, the chaos and destruction they shall unleash... I can't even imagine it" he said, rubbing his forehead. "Only as an absolute last resort. But if we can kill him without the Stone, we shall. No more destruction shall be unleashed by my hand."

"I knew I could count on you. Now, you must be tired after your ride. Let's relax in the garden, and then I will show you to your room. You can stay there for as long as you need. Come" the old magician said.

They went out to Xular's garden, which was filled with lush green, blue and purple plants, a five tiered fountain in the middle, surrounded by beds of gold, black, white and red flowers, a cluster of trees to the side and ivy blooms. They sat down at a table. Xular waved a maid over and asked for some food and drinks. The maid nodded and went off. She brought back a plate of fruit, bread and cheese, along with a flagon of valos juice and fresh mountain water.

As they ate, they recounted a few stories, catching up on what they had missed. When Talaeos mentioned the warm welcome he received in Teron, Xular sighed. "Unfortunate, but sadly, not unexpected. Even years after that day, you are still hated by most. But hey, at least you killed a few monsters during that time" he said. "Quite a few of which were xyras. I still feel chills after my last encounter with one. Anyway, has Kentra done anything new?" "Nothing major. They've been quite silent for a while. A few raids here and there, guards and civilians killed, but for the most part, not a peep from them. I searched for them, of course, and managed to capture the few that I encountered, but aside from that, nothing" Xular shrugged.

"Well, rest, recover, keep living. Do some good in this city. I will hunt Haarzen and his hound, but in the meantime, a good night's sleep sounds nice" Talaeos said. Xular rose from the table, and entered the tower, and the Hunter followed him. The magician led him to a nearby room and showed him inside. "Good night, old timer" he said. Talaeos inclined his head and closed the door. He took off his cloak and his weapons, and collapsed on the bed, falling asleep immediately.

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