chapter one

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Tick... Drip... Tick... Drip... Tick... The clock on the wall slowly counted the seconds as time passed from that dreadful 3 am. With your small eyes, you scanned the room around you took in the scene—a spray of blood, your mother's, covered the pale, white walls, oozing in rivers onto the floor below. The swinging of the pendulum flung another drip onto your nose, warm and sticky. You wiped at your face with pudgy hands, smearing the red stain across your cheek. Blinking slowly, you felt a distinct sadness overwhelm your small body, too afraid to move except to look at the limp, lifeless form sprawled on the hardwood floor of your childhood home.

"And who might you be, little one?" A deep, rich voice rang out from across the room, almost demonic in timbre. Fuzzy from the tears clouding your vision, a tall man with greasy hair down to his shoulders appeared, towering over you. His eyes seemed to be glazed with a red, teeth pearly white and sharper than anything you had ever seen before. Red smeared from the tip of his nose all the way to the point of his chin, around his mouth, and dripped onto his chest. With the back of his hand, he wiped at his face before smirking at you, his eyes sinister and daring.

"You should really speak when you're spoken to, child," he continued as you trembled. His steps were slow and calculated as he stalked toward you, his prey.

"Well, I suppose if you're not going to play along, I should just get my own fun out of this."

With that, the strange man lunged forward and grabbed your forearm, sinking his teeth in and letting a burning venom trickle into your blood stream. At first it felt like euphoria shooting through your veins but as soon as his grip release and your wound touched the air, a blazing fire engulfed your body. The man laughed as you screamed, and he jumped out the side window to escape.

You didn't know how long you laid there writhing in pain when the front door jiggled before slamming open by force.

"Where are you, Drexel?" The woman's voice was frantic, dripping with anger. In your fragile state, you curled in on yourself, screeching as your muscles burned with the effort.

"Oh my god!" The woman exclaimed as she ran to your side, kneeling by your head. You could barely make out her face, her hair and nose the only defining features amidst the tears swimming in your eyes.

"Oh, sweet baby girl, who did this to you? Oh god, what do I do?" Without a second thought, she grabbed your forearm and bit, sucking until you felt the cold, euphoric sense of just your blood coursing through your small body.

Gasping as she pulled away, tongue reflexively passing once more over your wound, the woman's entire body tensed as she quickly fled for the door.

"I... I can't... Call 911, you need help. Hold on, little girl."

With that, the woman was gone and you were left with blood trickling from your wrist and a landline hanging off the wall, just within your reach. That woman saved your life.


Derek reached over and nudged your shoulder, jostling you awake on the jet home from your most recent case. You gasped and clutched at your chest, wide, panicked eyes searching the cabin before landing on Emily, her concerned smile lulling your heartrate back to a normal speed. The two of you had been steadily growing closer over the last handful of cases and seemed to be in a strange limbo between coworkers and friends that neither one of you seemed ready to change.

"You okay?" Derek's concerned demeanor was palpable from the chair next to you. It was the second time in as many plane rides that you had accidentally fallen asleep and needed to be shaken awake from a nightmare.

You nodded your head and licked your lips. "Yeah, Der, I'm fine. I just haven't been sleeping well."

"It sounds like a bit more than not sleeping well, baby girl."

Eau De Sang-- Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now