chapter nine

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Discharge papers in hand, bloody clothes in a bag over your shoulder, you climbed into the waiting SUV with Derek inside, hiking up the too-long scrub pants that were tied around your waist. The energy was tense, Derek trying to ask you how you were feeling but his questions were met with silence. You were fuming in the passenger seat as he drove, thinking about what could have possibly happened to make them arrest Emily for a crime she didn't commit. It was only when you had been on the road for close to 40-minutes, headed back for where home base had been set up in Spokane, that you felt enough control over your emotions to speak.

"What happened," you forced through your teeth, hands gripping at the armrest on the car door.

Derek let out a sigh, dropping his head for just a moment before returning his attention to the road.

"You don't need to worry your head about that, sweet thing. You've been removed from the case so that you can focus on healing."

You scoffed and shook your head, "I'm off the case? Are you kidding me?"

In the time you had been in the BAU, not once had an agent been taken off the case for being injured.

"There isn't much left for us to do anyway. Just need to get them to confess to something so that we can get more charges to stick," Derek said, trying to shrug off your annoyance. You picked up immediately on his vague allusion to "them" however and chose not to let it go.

"What do you mean, 'them'? We caught one unsub. There is only one unsub!" you pushed back.

"We've profiled this as being a multi-person crime the entire time."

"Yeah, well, we were wrong..." you trailed off, knowing that Derek wasn't privy to the information Emily had shared with you. "So I'm going to ask again, Morgan, what happened? Because last I checked, there was one unsub at that crime scene."

"I know you saw Hotch arrest Emily, baby girl," Derek said as he passed a handful of cars on the highway. You could tell that he was still trying to be vague, to not give too much away.

"Yeah, and for no good reason, Derek. So tell me, what the hell happened at that crime scene? What did you find?"

Derek pressed his lips together, frowning and exhaling through his nose. Silence permeated through the car as he chose not to answer you.

"Answer me, Derek!"

"You know I can't, Princess. You're off the case, victims can't work their own case."

"I'm not Emily's victim!" you exclaimed, getting warm in the face. "She saved my life! She's done nothing but work this case like the rest of us."

Silence stretched for miles as you approached Spokane. As the mile marker for the police station approached and Derek made no move to merge, you flew off the handle.

"Take me to the precinct, Derek."

"You know you should be at the hotel resting," he said patronizingly.

"You don't get to tell me what I should do. Take me to that god damn precinct now so I can find Emily or I swear to god that I will walk the five miles myself."

With a huff, Derek whipped the SUV into the exit at the last moment, still not saying a word. Once you reached the front of the precinct, you nearly tripped over yourself as you flung yourself from the vehicle, your aching muscles pulling at your fractured and bruised bones and making you wince.

Stomping towards the sole interrogation room, you saw Erin Strauss standing in front of the one-way mirror, watching Aaron Hotchner as he sat across the table from a sullen and angry Emily.

Eau De Sang-- Emily Prentiss x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now