chapter ten

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"You seem to have found yourself in quite the predicament, Agent Prentiss," the tallest one with brown curls bouncing around his chin said as he took three steps forward from the formation, trailing a pale, cold finger first along Emily's shoulder and then onto yours. The tone of his voice carried a familiarity like he was speaking with an old friend. Dark eyes looked you up and down before Emily yanked your arm so that you were standing further behind her.

"Don't touch her," Emily gritted out between clenched teeth, her grip on you strong and bruising.

"Oh, isn't that sweet, Mateo," said the one seemingly in charge, flaring the nostrils on his pointed nose. "She doesn't like it when you touch her pet."

Mateo reached to touch your arm once more and Emily growled an actual, visceral growl, causing him to recoil with a smirk. A gasp was heard from behind you, undoubtedly JJ's as her fear started to take hold.

"Oh, I see," the tall man replied vaguely, stepping back into formation to stand next to the  average-sized man with long, brown hair tied at the nape of his neck to whom he looked very similar. The two men could have been brothers, the taller very obviously the younger.

With long, purposeful strides, the man with perfectly coiffed hair stepped away from the formation to walk into the circle of profilers, sniffing decadently at each of them, groaning when stopped in front of Hotch.

"I do love the smell of an alpha male in fear," he said, reaching out his hand to shake, baring his teeth slightly when Hotch hesitated to extend his hand. "You must be Aaron Hotchner, yes?"

Hotch nodded tersely.

"I'm Stavros, a pleasure to meet you," he said, a Greek accent thick in his otherwise perfect English. "Has our dear Emily told you anything about who we are, seeing as how you were just conversing her... status?"

Spencer, unable to control his anxious rambling, spout off near immediately, making the powerful vampire turn his head sharply while still grasping Hotch's hand.

"I am assuming that you must be the powerful, ancient vampire government—"

Spencer was immediately cut off by the short, blonde man who had stood next to Stavros in the formation.

"i Superiori," the blonde man spat in Greek-accented Italian. Anger seemed to hang from him, dark, sinister, and resentful.

"Patience, Kal," Stavros chided the smaller man, who only responded with a huff. "These mere mortals would have no knowledge of the disrespect carried by denial of our title."

Stavros turned to face Emily once more.

"You, however, seem to be skating on thin ice, Miss Prentiss. You of all people should know the necessity behind paying the respect due, hmm?" Stavros continued, standing close enough to Emily that the hair on the back of her neck stood up. Her stare bore holes into the taller man, teeth clenched, and lips pursed together as she held back the quip on her tongue.

"Yes, Miss Prentiss, shouldn't you know better than to share our secret, no?" the man with long hair said, his Italian accent thick. "But I suppose that you were never one for following the rules."

"I followed all of your fucking rules, Andreas. You and I both know that," Emily responded, venomous and warning.

"Regardless, we are now standing amongst 6 humans who should not be privy to our world, to our lifestyle, and that certainly will not do," Stavros said, scanning the group once more.

You took the time to look at everyone, too. JJ stood hidden behind Derek, gripping at his arm as she trembled and he stood stock-still. Spencer was leaning heavily against a desk, his body seemingly unable to hold him up any longer. Hotch and Rossi were stoic, jaws set and chests puffed in a vain attempt to intimidate. You had never seen the team so afraid, not even in front of the worst serial killers you had taken down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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