Chapter 2: My Life Story

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"Um.... well, it's a very long story." I stutter uncertainly, fiddling with my hands.

"We have time." Louis says immediately, still staring at me. In fact they are all staring at me, it's quite unnerving. 'Tell us, we want to help you." He insists. That causes me to laugh coldly.

"Help me? How are you going to do that?" I question with a monotone voice. The boys look shocked by my answer and Liam's face goes soft.

"We can help, if you let us." Liam tells me softly. I have no answer to that, so we sit in silence.

"How about you tell us your name first?" Niall suggests and I smile at him.

"My name is Lexi, Lexi Alan. Oh and I'm fourteen years old." I tell them.

"So young..." Zayn mutters. "So young to be thinking about suicide."

"Exactly.... Why would you try to do that?" Harry asks.

After a few moments I speak, all the while keeping my eyes fixed to the ground. "When I was eight, my mother died and it hit my father the hardest. He started coming home later and later, eventually he didn't come home at all. At the age of nine I was forced to take care of myself, cook meals, wash clothes, buy food, clean the house. I had to make it look like my father hadn't abandoned me. But I was only nine and it was hard to make myself look semi presentable. Kids at school started bullying me because my clothes were dirty, out of style, or too small, my hair was ratty and unwashed. I sucked it up and dealt with it, though.

But when I was ten my father came back and he came back a changed man. He wore greasy clothes and reeked of alcohol, he was not the father I knew when my mother was alive." I paused and drew a shaky breathe, all the boys are listening intently with shocked faces. I think they were surprised I was actually telling them, I was too. I usually don't trust anyone, let alone tell them my life story.

"For the first three years he only hit me and cursed at me, but when I turned thirteen he started to abuse me... Sexually...." I heard gasps, but continued to speak. "It got to be too much, I couldn't take it any more." I sigh with a shrug and my shoulders sag. "You know what happened after that."

"Lexi." Louis whispered, I kept my eyes on the ground. "Lexi look at me." I refused and glued my eyes to the floor, it had suddenly become extremely interesting. I was so intent on staring at the floor, that when I felt arms wrap around me I almost screamed.

"It's okay." Louis soothes me, hugging me tightly. "It's okay, Lexi." He repeats. I relax into his hug and for the first time in years, I cry. I cry for my mother, but mostly I cry for myself and the things that had happened to me. I cry in his arms for what seems like hours, but was probably only a few minutes. When I finally calm down, I whisper to him "Thank you."

"No problem, Lexi." He assures me, but he doesn't let go.

"Hey I just thought of something!" Niall exclaims, jumping up off the couch.

"What?" Harry asks with a puzzled look.

"Louis could adopt her!" He tells us excitedly, waving his hands in the air.

"Your right!" Liam agrees. "And you could live here with us."

"That's a great idea!" Louis says happily and hugs me even tighter. "I'll have Paul bring over the papers immeadiatly!"

"Paul?" I ask confused.

"He's our bodyguard." Liam explains.

"Oh..... Cause your One Direction. I get it now." I nod my head to show I understand.

"What should we do until he comes?" Zayn asks.

"I don't know what your going to do, but I'm going to eat." Niall says happily and practically skips to the kitchen.

"Oh my god Niall, your so rediculous." I laugh and the boys smile at me.

"That's Niall for you." Liam tells me and I laugh at that.

"How about we play Truth or Dare?" I suggest, seeing as it looks like nobody else knows what to do.

"Ok, I love that game." Harry says and smirks mischievously.

And so, we began our game of Truth or Dare.

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