Chapter 7: Pathetic

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I open my eyes to a bright beautiful morning and smile at the memories of last night. I had told them my secret and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Last night after I told them, we had all watched a few Disney movies. Including Liam's favorite, which I learned was Toy Story.

A little childish if you ask me, but I'm the same way so I can't talk.

Anyway once we had finished watching Toy Story, I was super tired so the boys had carried me to bed.

And that brings us to the present, with me waking up to a glorious secret free day. Well... Mostly secret free. I still have a few secrets that I have no intention of telling to them until I have known them longer. Seeing as I've only known these guys for about one or two days.

And yet I trust them with my life, funny isn't it?

"Lexi!" Harry yells from downstairs, interrupting my pointless thinking.

"What?" I call back, I wonder if he made breakfast?

"I made breakfast and the boys have something to tell you!" He tells me. I smile and climb out of bed.

"K, I'll be down in a sec!" I yell and pull my messy hair back into a ponytail. I then open my suitcase, which was on the ground by the bed, and pull out my fuzzy panda slippers.

Don't judge, they're super comfortable!

Anyway then I open my bedroom door and walk downstairs, taking my sweet ole time. I walk into the kitchen where all the boys, except Harry, are seated around the table and take a seat in between Louis and Niall. All the boys mumble a good morning, except for Niall who looks wide awake and says hello in a very excited tone.

"Um... Niall? Are you okay?" I ask, Niall is literally bouncing in his seat.

"What?" Niall says puzzled.

"Your having, like, a spaz attack." I inform him and Liam laughs.

"He does that every time food is involved." Liam explains and I laugh with him.

Then Harry comes in and places plates full of food in front of each of us.

"Breakfast is served." Harry says in a ridiculous accent and bows, gesturing to the food.

"Why thank you." I say in a posh tone and place a hand to my heart. We all crack up laughing and begin to eat the delicious looking breakfast Harry has prepared.

I pick up my fork and push around the food on my plate. Trust me, I love food. It's just... I can't help but feel fat when I eat. After years of being abused and being called horrible names, I started to believe the things my father said. Like how I was unbelievably fat and incredibly useless.

Out of the corner of my eye I see that Niall is staring at me. I immediately stop picking at my food and place my fork down on the table.

"I'm not hungry." I announce and the boys stop eating.

"Are you sure?" Harry says and frowns.

"Yeah, at least have something." Zayn says and I pout.

"But I'm not hungry." I whine and Liam stares at me.

"Lexi, you have to eat something." Liam states and I can tell by his tone that he means business. I internally groan and cautiously pick up my fork. I slowly place a piece of egg in my mouth and chew it, feeling the stares of the boys. I gingerly swallow it and slightly wince.

I can practically feel my body fattening.

"There, I ate something." I mumble and push away from the table, running upstairs. I hear the boys shout my name, but I simply walk into my room and slam the door, simultaneously locking it.

And just after I thought things between us were getting better. It's not their fault they got stuck with my pathetic self. I feel my eyes start to water and I throw myself onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow.




It's like a mantra that never stops repeating in my head. The tears leak out and soak my pillow. I bet I look like a mess right now.

Great, just another fault I have.

"Lexi?" I hear Louis call from behind my door.

"What?" I ask, my voice cracking and slightly muffled by the pillow.

"Lexi... Are you crying?" Louis hesitantly asks me.

"No sh** Sherlock." I snap, my sadness slowly turning into anger. I hear Louis gasp and his footsteps retreat away from my door.

I blame it all on hormones and depression.


Authors Note:

Aw... Another sad chapter. Don't worry though, there will be happier chapters soon!

Lol I actually forgot to write an authors note when I first updated, not like many people read this anyway ;)

I just love to write authors notes so when I found out I forgot I was all like 'Omg, I need to write an authors note! How the heck did I forget that?!?!'

Needless to say, my reaction was priceless. :D




See you next update,


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