Chapter 5: No Secrets

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Tears trickle down my face as I run upstairs and I keep my eyes on the floor. I'm almost down the hallway when I bump into someone. I hastily wipe my tears away and mumble a sorry to the person, before finally glancing up. I come face to face with a concerned and bewildered Louis.

"Lexi? What's wrong?" He asks in a concerned and worried way.

"Nothing. Everything's just peachy." I tell him in a flat, emotionless voice. Louis stares at me for a couple seconds before pulling me into a hug. At first I resist, but eventually I give in and let myself melt into his arms.

(A/N: No they are not in any sort of relationship. She's 14 and he is her adoptive father. Just wanted to clear that up incase some of you thought otherwise...)

"Lexi... What happened?" Louis asks me again after a few moments. I immediately stiffen up and I can tell he notices by the way his arms hug me tighter.

"Nothing." I murmur and struggle out of his arms, running down the hall and into the room at the very end. I quickly lock it and walk to the middle of the room. Louis starts pounding on the door begging me to open it, but I simply place my head in my arms and sit down on the wood floor.

After what seems like hours, but was probably only minutes, Louis stops pounding on the door and I faintly hear his footsteps retreat downstairs.

Thank god, I was starting to get a headache from all the noise and drama.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sound like a brat. It's just that after living with my father, I know that drama leads to fighting and fighting..... Fighting leads to bad things.

I gingerly pick my head up and glance around. I'm in a fairly large sized room and it has a few windows that bring in natural light. There is also a king sized bed, and on it is my suitcase. Wait... Does that mean this is my room? My eyes widen in surprise at how generous the boys are to have me staying here.

Guilt engulfs my heart and I quickly stand up, unlocking the door. I plan to come clean and tell them about it, even if they are disgusted by me afterwards. After all they are doing for me, they deserve the truth.

As I silently creep down the hallway, my hands start to shake with nerves over their reaction. Will they react with hate, or will they accept it and try to help me?

Im not sure if I want to know, but in a few minutes I will know whether I want to or not. As I near the stairs I begin to hear the voices of the boys downstairs. I peer down the stairs keeping my back pressed against the wall so that they can't see me, but I can see them.

"Guys, do you know what's wrong with Lexi?" Louis asks worriedly and paces the kitchen. All of the boys, who are seated around the kitchen island, murmur a 'no' except Niall who looks slightly guilty.

"Yeah..." Niall says uncertainly and the boys heads snap around to stare at him. Liam raises an eyebrow at him, but Harry and Zayn simply stare at him.

"Why?" Louis says urgently and gives him a pleading look.

"Well... It's not my place to tell you." Niall tells them and worriedly runs a hand through his hair, meeting each pair of eyes that are on him. It's true, he shouldn't tell them because its not his secret. I mean yeah, I was going to tell them anyway but I don't want Niall to be the one to do it.

That would be cowardly and I'm not a coward.

So I take a deep breathe to help steady my frantically beating heart and place my foot down the first step. Immediately everyone's eyes are on me and I gulp, my eyes nervously flitting around the room. I keep my eyes away from Niall though, I can't bare to see the disgust that I know will be on his face. I finish walking down the rest of the stairs and stand at the edge of the kitchen where they can all see me.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, guys." I apologize truthfully, but the boys still watch me with concerned looks.

"Lexi..." Louis trails off and I can tell he wants to know what just happened a few minutes ago. I sigh and bite my lip, quickly glancing at Niall before gluing my eyes to the floor.

"I was just upset about something I told Niall earlier." I explain and out of the corner of my eye, I see Niall stare at the ground.

"What did you tell him?" Harry asks with a suspicious voice and narrowed eyes.

"Something private." I say with my eyes kept down.

"We don't keep secrets here Lexi." Liam states and the rest of the boys nod their heads in agreement.

"Um..." I trail off. C'mon Lexi, this is the moment you've been waiting for!

"I told Niall why I cut..." I whisper and a dreadful silence falls over the room.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! How ya doing? Lol... You can't talk to me through the screen. ANYWAY, I can't believe this has 147 reads! Yeah I know it's not a lot compared to other stories, but for me this is amazing! I've never had anybody read my stories, so for this to happen... It just has me flabbergasted!

I hope you all liked this chapter! It's not the best, but I had a half day today and I was so happy about how many reads this is getting so I decided to update! Well I'm sure you guys are bored with reading this, so I'll wrap it up! I'll see you guys next update! ;)





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