Chapter 6: Mending Scars

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Everyone was silent and it was killing me. I couldn't stand the nerve wracking wait it was taking for the boys to respond. I couldn't even bare to lift my eyes off the ground and have to look at their faces.

And I was sure they didn't want to look at my face either.

Seconds seem to take an eternity to pass by and I nervously fiddle with my hands.

"Why?" Louis asks weakly, finally breaking the eternal silence.

"Because it hurts. It hurts keeping all these emotions inside me, I just need to get them out... And I don't know how to do it any other way. It helps me release all these bottled up emotions, it helps me clear my head." I tell them, my voice wavering a little.

"Oh Lexi." Liam says despairingly and holds his head in his hands. I can't help it when tears start to prick at my eyes. I know what comes next.

Wait for it...

Any minute now, they're going to start yelling at me how I'm a disgusting vile creature. How I don't deserve to even look at them, let alone live in the same house as them.

Then they'll kick me out of their lives, just like everyone else does.

So I close my eyes and wait for the inevitable.

But it never comes. I sit and I sit, but they don't start yelling. They just look at me with sad, heart broken eyes filled with pain for a girl they barely know.

And... I don't know... Something changes in the air.

For once, I feel loved. I feel like somebody actually cares an ounce about how I am. It's strange because I have known these guys less than two days and already I feel like I know them.

Like they know me.

"I'm sorry." I whisper and a tear escapes from my eye, silently falling down my cheek. Louis winces as if he can feel the way my heart is breaking. He silently walks over to me and all eyes are on him, watching to see what he'll do.

I expect him to yell at me, to hit me senseless. But instead he does the unexpected and pulls me to him, enveloping me into a hug. I gasp and his hold on me tightens.

"I'm sorry Lexi... This has to be so hard on you and I wish I could take away the pain. I can try, but you have to let me." Louis mumbles into my hair.

"I'll try, that's all I can promise you right now." I tell him, wiping the tears from my eyes. I'm going to try to make this work, I want this to work. Really bad.

"And that's all we can ask of you." Zayn says and smiles at me. I smile back and soon we are all smiling.

"Aw... Group hug!" Niall yells and all the boys gather me into a tight hug. I laugh, even though they are practically squeezing the life out of me and hug them back.

After a few moments we pull away and all laugh together. I felt warm and fuzzy inside, no matter how cliche that sounds.

"I love you guys." I say, still laughing at their ridiculous. All the boys freeze and stare at me, they're eyes shocked.

"What?" I ask, burrowing my eyebrows in confusion. I don't get what has them so frazzled.

"You said you love us." Harry states and the other boys vigorously nod their heads. I blush when I realize what I had said and duck my head.

"Whoops?" I mumble and Louis laughs.

"That's a good thing, love." Louis explains with a gentle smile.

"We want you to love us." Liam adds.

"Oh really?" Harry asks pervertedly and waves his eyebrows suggestively with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Not like that, you idiot!" Liam scolds and hits Harry on the back of the head.

"Ow... Liam!" Harry complains and clutches his head.

"You deserve it." Liam states and puts on a dignified look. I laugh at them, but they simply continue to bicker. Soon, all the boys join in on the argument and everything gets hectic.

I really do love these guys.


Author's Note:

Heeeey! How's life been treating you? Anyway, heres chapter six! I hope you guys like it, even if its a little short!

I can't believe this has 260 reads, it's unbelievable! It never fails to cheer my day up when I see how many reads there are! Take it from my friends, they complain everyday about how hyper and excited I am from this!

I don't want to push my luck, but it would be really awesome to get some comments from you guys! I love reading about what you guys think and I'm on here 24/7, so it's not like I have anything better to do! Lol, well I'll see you guys next update!





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