Chapter 9: Fire To Burn

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"I don't see how." I reply miserably, staring at him with hopelessness. I may believe him when he says things get better, but I certainly don't know how. He seems to falter at my words and goes quiet.

"Louis won't be so quick to forgive me about this..." I continue to say and another tear escapes my eye.

"I think you should just give him some time." Liam suggests, looking very overwhelmed. "Just so that he can take a moment to let this kinda sink in."

I nod and messily wipe the tears from my face, hoping I don't look like too much of a disaster.


Louis hasn't talked to me since then, at least not directly. It's been almost two days and I still haven't been able to make up with him. Granted I'm trying to give him space like Liam told me to, so I haven't really tried that hard to talk to him but still.

Along with Louis ignoring me, the boys are also still angry at me. They're not quite as distant as Louis is, but they're certainly not trying to have a conversation with me. Niall is the only one who is still talking to me and I don't know what I would do if he wasn't. It's just been so hard to not breakdown crying, to keep myself from cutting. Niall has been really supportive and is trying to help me in any way.

Actually, I'm currently being taught how to play the guitar by Niall and he says I'm an absolute natural. I don't believe him, but he insists it's true. I think he's just telling me that to cheer me up, but whatever. It worked.

"Ok, so do you want to try that song again?" Niall asks me with a smile.

"Nah, I'm getting hungry." I say and pat my stomach. He laughs and nods.

"Me too." Niall agrees."Lets go have lunch, we can practice later."

"Ok." We both put down our guitars and walk into the kitchen. The house is silent except for the slight sound of talking, which comes from Liam's room. He had told Niall earlier that he was doing a twit cam and that we might hear him. Of course Liam didn't tell me, only Niall. The rest of the boys are out doing who knows what. I'm pretty sure I remember Zayn saying he was going to the tattoo parlor with Harry, and I vaguely remember Louis announcing he was going shopping at breakfast.

Anyway, so the house was pretty much empty.

"What do you want to eat?" Niall asks me and walks over to the fridge, pulling it open.

"Um... Grilled cheese?" I ask after a moment of consideration. I don't want to eat something too fattening, but I can't have Niall worrying even more.

He nods. "I'll have one too."

Then he quickly pulls four pieces of cheese out of the fridge, two pieces for each, and takes bread out as well. Niall sets them down on a plate and grabs a pan, placing it on the stove.

"Ok, you have any clue how to make grilled cheese?" Niall asks with his hands on his hips, after finishing gathering up the ingredients.

"You don't know how to make grilled cheese?" I ask, my eyebrows raised in shock.

"Oh and you do?" Niall scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Pfft, of course I do..." I say nervously and let out a fake laugh, as if he was asking the craziest question ever.

"Yeah right." Niall laughs and uncrosses his arms, waving them toward the pan on the stove. "Feel free to make it then."

"I will." I snap, slightly annoyed at being laughed at, and stomp over to the stove. I quickly turn it on, twisting the knob to high and place the pan on it.

"Um...." I mumble and hesitate, not quite sure what to do next. I glance over at Niall for help and he simply smirks. Jerk.

I turn back to the stove and take a piece of bread, placing it on the pan. I let out a yelp as I accidentally touch the pan with my finger and start waving it in the air, desperate to cool it off.

Niall bursts out laughing and I glare at him, still shaking my burning finger.

My finger soon cools off, but Niall is still laughing hysterically. I give him one last glare, before returning to the task at hand.

The bread was already turning a golden brown and I reached over for the pieces of cheese, figuring it was around the time you were supposed to assemble the sandwich. Then I place the other piece of bread on top and watch as the cheese melts, melding into the bread. The bread now has a weird brown-black tint to it and worry crosses my face.

Is the bread supposed to do that?

I'm pretty sure it's not so I try to turn down the heat on the stove, but the knob is jammed and won't budge from high.

"Niall..." I trail off and give him a panicked look, continuing to try to turn the knob. Instantly he stops laughing, probably noticing how frantic I am.

The bread has started to smoke and looks like it's about to catch fire.

Oh god, I'm going to end up burning the house down!

"Niall it's going to catch on fire!" I say frantically and he rushes over, nudging me out of the way. He try's to turn the knob, but I stop him. "The knobs not working, it won't turn off!" I explain, my voice getting higher with panic.

"Go get Liam, Lexi." Niall orders, waving a towel from nearby over the pan to try to cool it off and I nod quickly.

"But what about you?" I ask, worried about his safety.

"Just get Liam, he'll know what to do." He assures me and I nod again, tears starting to prick at my eyes as smoke filled the room.

I run out of the room, hurrying as fast as I can and stumble up the stairs, a tear escaping down my cheek.

I burst into Liam's room, not even bothering to knock and he looks up, surprise all over his face.

"Liam there's a fire in the kitchen and Niall told me to get you because you'd know what to do!" I blurt out and he quickly takes in my appearance, noticing that I'm covered in smoke. Once the words register, Liam jumps up and grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room.

As soon as we enter the hallway I'm taken aback by the amount of smoke in it. I cough and pull the edge of my shirt over my nose as a filter from the horrible smoke. Liam, keeping a tight grip on my hand, leads me down the stairs and somehow finds his way into the living room.

Smoke is all I see coming from the kitchen and fear strikes me in the heart, where is Niall?!

"Niall!" Liam yells and I stifle a cough, desperately hoping to hear some sort of response.

But I don't hear anything.

"Niall!" Liam yells again louder and this time I do hear something, a slight coughing that slowly gets louder as if the person was coming closer.

All of a sudden Niall emerges, coughing and sputtering, from the smoke filled kitchen and I thank his Irish luck for keeping him safe. He quickly stumbles over to us and together we run out the front door, smoke billowing out behind us.

And I make it about ten steps outside the door before I pass out, too much smoke having filled my lungs.


Authors Note:

Hey guys! I finally updated just like I told you I would. Sorry it's so short, I was kind of hurrying and I'm not in the best of moods today, for serious reasons.

Anyway, so I hope you guys like this! Please comment on it, even criticism, because I love reading them and it's always helpful to get criticism. Ok, bye guys!




~ :3

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