Chapter: 43

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"Okay everyone, I want you to eat and drink well. I don't want any of you complaining about a hungry stomach or a parched tongue. If you need to use the bathroom now's the time to do it," Sally ordered around as she made sure Nathan and Jordan ate their Brussel sprouts, edible plants brought from hell.

"Garren agreed to assist us with going to Helker," Andrea said as she sipped her tea, grabbing everyone's attention.

"I want to go to Helker,"

Garren and Aurella looked up from the utility belt they were upgrading for her mission tomorrow morning. 

She was strolling around the lab shooting arrows at the Roals that were floating around the room, so she could practice for the free shooter position that Morgana told her about.


"I said I want to go to Helker," she repeated, not meeting his eyes and scoring another shot.

"No! You're not going! Are you out of your goddamn mind?!" The nerves were popping around his temple.

"I heard you did go,"

"I didn't! I went to Keltine, which is completely another planet and it's not deserted and a dangerous place like Helker! If you want to visit a planet I'll take you to Keltine with dad next week. How does that sound?"

"No, I want to go to Helker. I won't be alone,"

"Your new friends don't count, they might've had training but that doesn't mean they're prepared for whatever's on Helker, that is killing people,"

She caught the Roal between her fingers as it went past her face, "good luck since dad will be hearing about your irresponsibility at the pitch and how careless you're with your projects," she referred to the incident that happened at the Ludere pitch.

"You wouldn't," he seethed through gritted teeth.

"Would you like to watch me do it?"

"Go ahead! Tell him!"

"You're a crazy little devil," he gripped his screwdriver.

"I'm just sane in my way," she turned to leave a dark smile beginning to form on her lips knowing he wasn't done yet. 

He wouldn't risk losing his reputation for his trusted creations.

"Wait!" She stopped her footsteps, removed the smile and faced him. "I'll only help you with only on three conditions,"

"Go ahead,"

"One, you or friends cannot mention about what happened at the pitch, two, you'll have to share the information you find at Helker with me and three if this backfires, I was never in this. Deal?"


"Good, you're gonna need a few items,"

"He did! That's great!" Callista exclaimed.

"But what about the accessories, the items we'll need?" Sally shoved a lettuce leaf in Nathan's mouth.

"We could get everything we need from the utility warehouse," Leo suggested.

"Yeah, but isn't it locked,"

"Hey! Keep it down, we got some gossipers around, and we'll worry about the whole Helker thing after this mission, it's time to focus on the task we have on our hand,"

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