#3) Is this a dream ?

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"Wow... what is this place?! Is this a dream? Where are we ?", I asked.

"Welcome to Sambhala. This place is different from outer civilization. This is your home now Karan", Bhargav dada said. "This is where you belong."

[After 3 years, KP's admin facility ]

"Are all the controls established?" A voice emerged from the darkness.
"Yes sir, the government forces are weak. We've infiltrated every security force possible."

"Possible ? Why not everything ? What's the problem?"
"There seems to be something hidden, a hiddencity or something, up here", Nihal- the manager pointed out as he moved his cursor tosomewhere on North India.

"What do you fear? You can't take out some freaky terorists? We had planned this go for years..", the voice grew louder.

Loud thumping shook the floor.

"Sssirrr. I mean Sir, it seems like a highly classified area. Even the government...", Nihalstuttered as he felt a sturdy hand on his shoulder.

"I don't care. Get Team-247 there. Secure the area. Remind them, I'm KP. Even my name should instill fear ineveryone, including you..

Now, I've an important work to do. Make sure the area is under our control until I get back", KP said as the thumping faded.


"So, doc. What's the problem ? Did you see the reports ?" KP asked.
"There's no problem... You need to understand this" he said.

"Understand what?"
"You are getting older, Mr.Pratham?"
"So, what do I do? It's not my problem!"

"Of course, it is. And there's nothing you can
do about it."
"Don't ever tell me that again! There's nothing in this world that I can't get" KP said as he kicked him.

BUZZZZZZ. Nihal's call.

"Sir, the villagers won't let us go in. They are warning us of some diety with axe."
"This why you called me ? This is why you're wasting my time ? Tell them - there's no God, no diety. Kill every one of them - Let them feel the wrath of Pratham Kulkarni. The wrath of KP."

KP cut the call, and made way to the control room. "Diety with an axe... Axe... Where had I seen it...", he kept muttering.

"Hey you, you were the one who told me aboutthe axe guy, right?" He pointed to a personsitting at the edge.
"Yes, Sir. I'll show it to you right away", he said.He booted up a security camera footage. "Thishere", he pointed.

A man holding a child's hand as they ran in between the clash. Unaffected, unwounded. In a straight line ?! As if nothing was happeningaround them.

"How's this possible?!", KP argued.
"Exactly sir. Now watch this", he played another video, of a close shot. This time, slower. Others around them were actually attacking them, but the man infront of him (in orange) he was dodging it withhis stick.

"It's not a stick sir, It's an axe", he stopped thevideo at a frame. An axe could be seen in hishands. All red. Red with blood.

"Who is he? A god with an axe ?", KP asked. "Wait. I knew someone with such characteristics. It was my father who told me about this. It was him. He's..."


"That guy Bhargav... he's a God", KP lost his balance and sat down. ''What theheck... how could this be possible?"

He called up Nihal. "Hello?"

"Sir, we should've listened to them..."
"What ?! What's happening there?"

"Sir, the troop is dead. I can see death in front ofme. Death has an axe supposedly...


"Hello, Nihal ?? Are you there ?..

He was dead. But KP needed answers.
"You need answers, KP?", someone picked up Nihal's phone. "Don't ever bother to come here.You'll contaminate the Lord's abode.

He's here, you know.

However big your troops are, don't ever bring them here. Because, I reside here. Also, there stands a warrior on the at the Summit of the waterfall, who keeps a watch over the Kingdomof Sambhal... eager to slash anyone who crossesit's boundaries...

Your son. Karan Kulkarni.
Or should I say Karki.

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