#22) Curses and Consequences-2

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Thump. Thump. KP walked towards me as his eyes turned red. But it wasn't the only thing that was troubling me.

she was glowing. The same way Shuka had shown. I just hoped that she won't utter the 4 words.

My heart was racing as I tried to run towards her, but I fell down. "You don't have to do this Vaishnavi."

I opened my eyes. She smiled at me one last time. "... See you in Vaikunth." The cage exploded as a white bright light filled the area.

It went down and suddenly some people started appearing in front of us. They were as confused as I was. But seeing KP, they ran off.

Finally, the bright light settled before me. It was Vaishnavi. But her human body was disintegrating.

"Vaishnavi !", I yelled as I tried to carry her in my arms. "I'll save you. You just on for a while. Okay?"


KP's sword cut through her disintegrating body. Within seconds, there was nothing left. Just some bright particles all over me.

My senses went blank. KP was hitting me but I felt no pain. He was talking something, but it didn't make sense. I saw Pawan's lifeless body in the corner.

"I'm sorry", he seemed to say. And finally, I saw her face. Every where.
Smiling. "See you in Vaikunth.."

My head was spinning. I clenched my head as I fell on my knees. For the first time in my life, I couldn't think.


DESPAIR. All at once.

"I curse you Karan... When the whole world would expect you to be in control of yourself, you will lose your ability to think rationally and let your emotions take over you", Bhargav Dada's words rung in my head.

"Vaishnavi !!!'', I cried. "Pawan"

"ARRGG H H H H H H H ! ! ! !"

A powerful wave threw everything near me meters away. Even KP was thrown off.
KP.. KP ?!
"Have you gone insane, ?", KP said.
"Vaishnavi !", I cried repeatedly.

"I don't care, how I end you", KP picked his sword and charged towards me.
"STOPP !! ENOUGH ALREADY !", my words radiated around. Lightnings crashed everywhere.

I pulled out the Nandaka sword and activated it.
"This sword would be the most destructive weapon ever..." Some words rung in my mind again.
"I DON'T CARE !!!", I shouted.

I charged towards KP, with full power. But he dodged it. But my sword cut off a big chunk of land underneath us. I charged on him again.

But he dodged again. This time my sword chopped off a whole Domain.

"What the heck..is that sword ?, KP yelled.
"It's the sword that will kill you", this time the sword made contact with him. But the ammour took the impact.

LEVEL-1000 flashed on it.

"HAHA HAHAHAHA", he laughed.
"Even your sword couldn't harm me". He stood still and challenged me, I tried to hit him with the sword, but it seemed that this armour was indestructible.

I couldn't think of anything.

" Karan...", I suddenly heard Vaishnavi's voice. I looked around. Nothing.

This insanity was killing me.

"Child, the outside world is very bad. Every one is searching for GOOD. But they can't see the GOOD in themselves... But you believe in Good. He will make everything GOOD once again..." this time it was her.

My mother.
The mother who was killed right before my eyes.

"This world isn't what it used to be Karan... Sometimes I think if we could just reset everything... Back to the good times..."
It was Grandpa this time. He too was killed right before me, just because he believed in God.

KP attacked me from behind.
But this time, I let the swords crash into each other. "You can't do anything Karki. Narayan... Whatever. You can only fool these mortals by your leelas and illusions", KP said.

"You are right, Father..
The world has seen the lovely, cheerful Narayan all along the four Yugas and now...
It's time they witness the destructive nature and wrath of Narayan."

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