And when it falles from me, then this bodie will some other bee.Yet for the present thy abode is in this earthly place:And here for one day only wilt thou live with those of high degree:Thy beauty to our sight this first night is but little worth;But when the Sunne againe comes up, then thou shalt more for us appeare.The morning starre doth begin to passe away; and all the restDoe hasten now their course, that as they shine in th' afternoone:For even at this hour the goodly sun doeth fill his westWith the red rising of a glorious Rose; which shalbe thouBy him, but not yet full blowne, which in the night shall have her full Sunne."
Poetry Collection
PoetryThe collection of poems is a compilation book of all my poems that are usually linked to topics such as pain, anxiety, love, loneliness, melancholy, despair and many more that you will discover by reading. Besides it contains my most tormented adole...