So may'st thou too with thy beauties make an end of these our woes.For thee alone we look, no other light in earth or heaven doe rove;But thither turnes our eyes when loathly nights appeach us through the routOf stubborne Eclipses: therefore on thee our hopes and hopes depende.And to shew what should befall this body which is mortal ith art:Thou shalt go back againe, yet shall thy glory still reneweA second night, as was the first. Then at thy last removeThe Sunne herselfe will fade away: but yet ere that her doe leave,She must by much descent returne into that place from whence she came:Her light and heat will yet continue:
Poetry Collection
PoesieThe collection of poems is a compilation book of all my poems that are usually linked to topics such as pain, anxiety, love, loneliness, melancholy, despair and many more that you will discover by reading. Besides it contains my most tormented adole...