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Chapter 51
Qiu Rong woke up still in the body of the Zombie King. She fell asleep in the car last night, and she woke up still in the car, except that the car was parked on the top floor of the hotel, and a small garden surrounded by green trees. The environment is very pleasant. people.

But she didn't want to appreciate it at this time, looking at the skylight outside the window, the Zombie King showed a melancholy and irritable expression.

This made Guan Wenjiu, who had just opened the door and tried to call her to see Bai Xing, instantly tightened his nerves.


Wenjiu 's voice didn't know how softly it was: "The leader called you to patrol the city." The zombie king gave him a gloomy look, making Guan Wenjiu feel that he was one step away from death. He lowered his head but his pupils quaked, what did he do wrong? !

When Qiu Rong saw him, she thought of Su Mei.

Zhou Zhizhen killed Su Mei. He didn't hesitate. He expected and unexpectedly. Anyway, there were subtle differences that were different from what she thought, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Not to mention that the atmosphere of separation from Zhou Zhi this time was not pleasant. He seemed to have misunderstood something, and continued to cling to the question of where she was during the day would make Qiu Rong very embarrassed, not knowing how to answer it to be perfect.

Qiu Rong got off the car in depression and followed Guan Wenjiu to see Bai Xing.

Bai Xing vowed to find Zhou Zhi and took her around the city for a whole day. When she fell asleep at night, she opened her eyes again from the darkness of nothingness and saw the dark room.

Qiu Rong walked blindly in the room for two steps and muttered: "Brother? Why don't you turn on the lights."

Zhou Yiyi reached out without saying a word, pulled her into her arms and lowered her head to kiss, Qiu Rong touched his skin. They were all warm. Unlike herself, she was also happy to warm up on Zhou Zhi. She was still a little anxious to explain to him clearly, but when she was interrupted like this, she suddenly forgot everything.

The two were huddling in bed, Qiu Rong accidentally caught a glimpse of bloodshot eyes in Zhou Zhi's eyes, and intermittently asked him if he hadn't rested, and asked him several times before getting the answer. Afterwards, Zhou Zhi didn't wake up for a long time and hugged her to sleep with her eyes closed. However, Qiu Rong couldn't sleep. She wanted to slip from his arms to take a wash, but was confined by his frown, and finally gave up. Indulge in the ambiguous breath by yourself.

It is rare for Qiurong to see Zhou Zhi's sleeping face.

Most of the time, Zhou Zhishou sleeps with her, otherwise, she sleeps together.

I still remember that when she first got together, she would always fall asleep without scruples. Every time she opened her eyes, Zhou Zhi was awake. She was either looking at the phone next to her or she couldn't find any figure at all, and she didn't know what to do. Even if he slept with himself during the few months of living in the villa in the mountains, he would wake up early when it was time for her to leave.

Qiu Rong didn't know how he did it, what kind of will he had to have day after day.

She quietly stretched out her hand to touch Zhouzhi's face, smoothed his frowning brows, and said softly, "Sleep well, brother, don't wrinkle your face when you fall asleep. It looks fierce. Yes, if you are unhappy in your dreams, I will wake you up? "

Wake up is impossible. Such a scene is very rare. Qiu Rong is eager to sleep for more than a week.

A good night's sleep in the ruined world is very extravagant for some people, but Qiu Rong didn't have such troubles at the beginning. I have to say that Zhou Zhi gave her a strong sense of security and resolved all anxiety and worries.

Dressed as a zombie queen, I saved the worldWhere stories live. Discover now