Fever Dream ☁️ (PG)

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Summary: Reader makes an accidental confession, which starts the most intense game of hide and seek.

Rating: PG (13+)

Content Warning: High fever, Extremely Mild Dub Con (kiss during delirium)


For all intents and purposes, it was a normal day. JJ and Emily were stifling yawns in their respective offices, Rossi was avoiding paperwork, and I was pouring myself yet another cup of coffee to compensate for the fact that I'd stayed up all night reading about pop culture references.

Okay, so that last part wasn't entirely normal. And honestly, the amount of time it had taken me to read through the references was embarrassing compared to my normal rate. It wasn't because it was uninteresting or anything; it was honestly just very involved. There are entirely too many people with too many different aliases for light reading.

As for why I'd spent the precious little free time we got reading about something I'd never really shown much of an interest in...

Well, as it usually goes with me making a fool out of myself, there was a girl.

A girl so clever and funny and sweet that any time I talked to her, my words turned to mush and my brain turned into the most useless encyclopedia known to man. But I knew that she liked the things that I'd been reading about, and so the hope was that the next time I started a rant half-filled with gibberish, she might actually be able to understand what I was trying to say.

Then maybe one day, we'd just talk, and my tongue wouldn't tie itself into knots and the butterflies in my stomach wouldn't feel like they were made of lead. Maybe she would find that she liked talking to me, and we could start out as friends and possibly find a way to be more.

That was the plan, anyway.

It didn't work out that way.


My heart immediately started to pound before the my brain even registered the words. Just the knowledge that the two of us were alone in the room together was too much for it to handle at its normal pace.

"Oh, hey (y/n)," I said as casually as possible, which was not at all, "What's up?"

At first, I was excited to see her - maybe a little too excited. I nearly knocked over my own coffee mug as I rushed to turn to her. But once I did, what I saw made me pause.

"What's up?" she sneered sarcastically, "I think you know what's up, Spencer."

It wasn't that she looked bad, per se. She looked as beautiful as she always did. There was just something about her sluggish, clumsy movements that worried me. Even worse, she was slurring her words and stumbling towards me, much like a drunk person would.

"I... do?" I cautiously asked, trying to inspect her face that was quickly approaching mine.

She wagged a very accusatory finger in my face as she continued with a stern voice, "Yeah, you do. With your big, stupid brain and all those IQ points. You know."

I only barely managed to avoid her actually touching me, although I'm still not sure why I was doing that. Most days I wished she would touch me more, but that time felt different.

"Know what?"

"Don't play dumb with me," she shot back with a laugh, slowly stalking towards me like I was prey and she was the predator.

I wished that I was playing dumb. It would have made it easier. But I wasn't. It wouldn't be worth it to lie, either, because I had no idea what she was talking about. Heaven forbid it was something terrible — something I didn't want to admit to. So, with a soft and unfortunately squeaky voice, I told her the truth.

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