Pair of Aces ☁️ (G)

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Summary: This Pride month, Reader decides to share something with the team.

Rating: G

Content Warning: S15 Spoiler, asexual Reader & asexual Spencer


Pride Month at the BAU was an interesting time of year. There's a running joke among the LGBT community that television shows always have it wrong when they show the one 'gay friend.' The truth was that when you found one of us, there would be ten others nearby.

For one day of the year, we showed everyone just how true that rang. It was a tradition started by Penelope Garcia, a woman who'd since left the bureau, but her legacy remained. In her colorful cave she'd also left behind a collection of Pride flag pins. Each year, we would add more whenever needed.

That year, I'd brought my own. It was, in a word, nerve-wracking.

It was weird; purple was one of my favorite colors, so why did it become terrifying when worn with black, grey, and white? I tried not to think about it too hard— after all, I was pretty sure some people wouldn't even recognize it or think that it meant something else. All I had to do was wear it with confidence and remember that most people were too worried or insecure to ask what it meant.

I was wrong.

I should have known, really. If there was one thing Spencer Reid was known for, it was his knack for asking the worst possible questions.

So, when he approached me and asked, "Hey, can I ask you a question?" I knew that I was already doomed.

"S-Sure. What's up?" I asked back, lacing my hands together so he might not see them shake.

"What does that flag mean?"


"Oh," I said in lieu of an answer.

Really, I just sort of stared at the man, my heart feeling like it had decided to run a marathon without my legs. Of all the people to notice, it had to be Spencer. The others would have just looked it up on their lonesome. But Spencer and I were here, staring at each other in silence.

The longer it went on, the more nervous he got, which meant both of us grew uncomfortable and jittery in the not-at-all quiet landscape.

We really should have been talking, but I didn't know what to say. Thankfully, Spencer usually did, and so he was the one to break the silence between the two of us.

"Sorry if that's offensive, I just haven't seen it before," he explained, scratching the back of his head, and seemingly realizing for the first time in the conversation that he'd done it again. He'd made someone uncomfortable with his insatiable curiosity.

I would have tried to explain it to him then, but he just talked so darned fast.

"I also feel like I should tell you I hadn't seen most of them before Garcia gave out the pins the first year and—"

I didn't want to hear it any longer, deciding to rip off the band-aid to see if the wound would bleed underneath.

"I-It's uh..." I interrupted loudly just to fall quiet again, "It represents the asexual spectrum."

His eyes lit up, his mouth forming into an excited 'O' right before he shouted, "Oh! I know what that is!"

My eyes lit up next, followed by a wide grin covering my face.


Spencer just nodded, and I couldn't help but notice just how proud of himself he seemed for that. But maybe I was just reading too far into it; wanting to see something that wasn't there. It wasn't often that people seemed too pleased to hear that word.

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