Heating up.

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After he disappeared I got up.

"Excuse me I have to use the restroom".

Massimo nods.

I walk inside and when I cant be seen I fast walk quietly upstairs.

"A-alberto?", I say knocking on his door.

He did answer so I just came in.

He wasn't in his room.


Suddenly I hear a voice from behind me.

"W-what are you d-d-doing luca", he stutters.

"Alberto!", I say turning around. "What's wrong with you??!"

"A-ah, its hard to explain", he says walking into the bathroom.

"Alberto! Talk to me!", I say following him to the bathroom.

Hes got his hands on the counter, and he's leaning over the sink.

"I-im... i-in heat", he mumbles.

"W-what?", I ask.

"I-im in heat..", he says slowly.

"Alberto..", I say grabbing his arm and guiding him the bed.

"What do I n-need to do?", I say as we both sit down on the bed.

I knew about when animals were in heat but was it different with humans/animals?

"L-luca I don't think y-you'll want to do-"

"No alberto I want to help you what do I do?"

"Its not what you think you have to do", he says looking at his feet.

"T-then what?", I ask.

"Y-you h-have to..."

I suddenly know what hes talking about.

"Oh... like...f-full o-on?"

"Well n-no but it depends on how bad it is.", he blinks hard.

"Okay heres this alberto". "How about you get some rest and I'll check in on you later if you dont feel better than i-ill....h-help you....s-somehow."

I walk out of the room and shut the door gently.

As soon I turn the corner to go downstairs Giulia was there.

"AH....Giuliaaa!!", I say.

"You were in albertos room?", she eyes me.


"You like him don't you", she says.

"W-what?!?! N-.....maybe....y-yes I do..", I say.

"Yes I knew it!!", she says. "Well whatever is wrong with him try and fix it we need him to function. We have practice tomorrow.

I nod.

I head into the guest room. I felt bad. I left him when he needed someone. When he needed me.

I got up and went into his room.

"A-alberto?", he was laying bed. I could see him shivering.

Poor alberto. I'm only in shorts and underwear but I walk up over to his bed and lay down beside him under the covers. I felt his back. It was hot. But I could also feel his muscles. I turned over the other way facing away from and shut my eyes.

Suddenly I feel ruslting, hes moving around. Suddenly I can feel his hot breath against my neck.

I can feel his arm wrap around my waist and to my stomach.

I got fishes in my stomach.

"L-luca", he groans.

I feel blush seep onto my cheeks.

Suddenly he pulls me closer to him.

I think he might have felt better because nothing happened for a while.

I got uncomfortable in the way I was so I back myself closer to luca. The grip he had on my waist tightened.

Thats when I felt it.

I grunt quietly.

"L-luca", alberto whispers quietly. His grip on my waist not loosening up.

I think alberto fell asleep after a while because it was quiet.

Wow I'm sleeping with alberto. NOT IN THAT WAY BUT. Wow.

Luca And Alberto: All grown up.Where stories live. Discover now