The Portorroso Cup

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I woke up without a care in the world this morning. I dreamed about being in albertos arms the whole night.

"Luca?", Giulia says interrupting my thought.

"O-oh u-uh yeah?", I say snapping out of my trance.

"Come on were gonna go get Gelato before we gotta come back here and get ready!", she says disappearing from my view.

I get and follow her.

Alberto's already waiting outside.

"Good morning Giulia", he says. Then looking at me. "Good morning luca", he smiles.

"Good morning alberto!!", I say.

"Lets go i want gelato!!", Giulia says pushing us out of the gate.

The walk downtown was filled with laughter. I was sure going to miss this. And Alberto.

Only 12 more days until Genova...

As we sat down at our table. Giulia order chocolate chip. While alberto and I ordered vanilla and strawberry.

Our classical favorite mix.

"So, we all excited and pumped?", alberto asks.

"Im so ready!!", Giulia says.

"Im ready...but nervous!!" I say biting down on my lip.

"It'll all be okay luca", alberto says patting my shoulder.

A lady then appears, handing us our ice cream. "Enjoy!"

Giulia digs in.

I fed alberto his ice cream while he does the same to me.

Giulia looks at us wide eyed.

"Did I miss something?"

"Not not at all", alberto smirks.

Just then he brings his hand to my face and wipes it.

"You had a little something there", he says standing up.

"Be right back im gonna go pay the tip", he says planting a kiss on my forehead.

Giulia looks at me. Mouth wide open. The ice cream in her spoon falls down onto the ground. "Explain luca", she says crossing her arms giving me a smirk.


As i watched alberto plant a kiss on luca's forehead I realized they were serious.

*Ercole's backstory for revenge*

I initially wanted to kill luca, because he beat me in the race.

But seeing how close he was to alberto, made me realize, my revenge on luca would be so much better if I made him suffer, by taking the one thing he adores the most. Alberto.

Sweet revenge will be mine.


"We ready to go?", I say coming back from inside.

They both nod.

As soon as we got back to Giulias we got ready for the cup.

I wanted to go check on luca, to see if he was ready to go down to the starting line where Massimo and his parents and granny were waiting. But instead I found him pacing in his room.


"Oh! Alberto I didnt see you there!", he says laughing.

"Whats on your mind?", I ask lifting his chin to look at me.

Luca And Alberto: All grown up.Where stories live. Discover now