Fireworks and Sparks.

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As i shut the door and locked it i figured he'd tell me.. Hes my best friend. The one I trust the most, so I hope he trusts me too.

"So your gonna tell me?", I ask looking at him, sitting down beside him on my bed.

"Well its just. Ercole punched me in my stomach", luca says. "No biggie"

Ercole. He is so dead.

"Luca what do you mean no big deal? It is a big deal he hurt you and stabbed you with glass!!!", I say.

"He wasn't the one that made me bleed."

I raise a brow obviously confused.

"Someone ransacked your old house. There stuff strung everywhere and broken glass everywhere.", luca says quietly.

I quietly stand up. Ercole isn't out to win anymore hes out to harm.

"I have to go, there are so many of my important things there"

"Im coming with you alberto", luca says standing up. Before falling right back down.

"No luca your hurt, and sore", I say. "Please stay".

He doesn't responds so I smile and head out the door and out the front door.

Ercole hurt luca and that's not okay.

Next time I see him he will be my order of business.

As I swim out of the water and climb up my ladder I freeze.

Luca was right. By stuff was strung everywhere. My drawings were ripped. Even the one I made of my papa.

I tiptoed around without stepping on glass.

My marking on the walls were gone. My important belongings were either gone or broken.

How could someone do this. I knew who it was but I was too overcome with grief.

My everything I had collected with or without luca was gone and destroyed.

I walked upstairs to my roof and feel to my knees.

Everything's gone.

I started crying. Which I haven't done in a long time.

I hated Ercole, he ruined everything.


"Alberto?", a quiet voice says. Then it pauses and I could hear it walk over to me and crouch down.

Its soft gentle arms wrapped around me.

It was luca.

I know I told him not to come here but I needed him.

"h-he ruined everything...e-everything we c-collected and made t-together he ruined!", I cried into lucas neck.

"shh, alberto it'll be okay", he says.

He lifts my chin up to look at him.

"You'll always have me, who says we can't collect and make new things?", he whispers smiling at me.

His hand caressed my cheek, using his thumb to wipe a tear.

Suddenly there's a loud pop.

Luca gets up and runs over to the edge of my roof.

Dammit there goes out moment.

"Woahh, fireworks!", he says looking at them in awe.

I too watch them different colors.

Luca And Alberto: All grown up.Where stories live. Discover now