Just a dream, and a confession ;)

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As I awoke i figures ill feel alberto around me. But he wasn't.

"Luca, come on we got practice today", alberto walks in rubbing his eyes indicating he just woke up.

Wow everything that happened between us last night was a dream the only real thing was me telling him about ercole.

Fuck. It felt so real though.

"Ugh, morning alberto", I say yawning.

After eating breakfast we headed downtown. Massimo was out shopping for new fish gear.

"Okay, so that we can do more at once let's split up today. I'll go swim. Alberto can go eat alot of pasta at a restaurant, and luca can go bike. Sound great?", Giulia asks looking at us.

"Got it", I say.


Giulia telling us to split up made my whole taking care of Ercole easier.

"See you around luca!", I say walking towards a pasta restaurant. As soon as luca and Giulia are out of my sight I go where ercole usually is.

The high-end clothing store.

As soon as I walk in there he is studying a wool scarf.

"Ahem", I say crossing my arms.

"Ohh alberto. Hello", he says rolling his eyes.

"We need to have a talk right now. Outside.".

"Oh, what about", ercole says still scanning a scarf.

"About luca.", I say. Ercole raised a brow.

As we walk outside I kick Ercole to the ground.

Hes stunned but he just looks at me.

"If you ever touch luca again, I swear to God Ercole, I will end you. I swear to myself ill protect him and thats what I'm gonna do.", I explain.

I then walk off feeling confident that Ercole didn't try to fight back.


I sweared to myself i would protect him.

Alberto's words ringed through my head. Hes protecting luca. Taking lucas life was my first initiative. But since the two are obviously close. Taking albertos will make lucas 10x worse.

Whether I got caught or not I was going through with this.


As I got back to Giulias it was already dark, I guess I was the last one because alberto and Giulia were waiting for me.

"Luca, we have been waiting on you for forever!!", Giulia says.

"Yeah", alberto laughs.

"Only 2 days until the race.", Giulia cringes.

My face dropped too. "And only 3 weeks until Me and Giulia leave to go back to Genova..."

"Well were gonna make the most of this", alberto says nudging my shoulder.

I laugh. "Im gonna go to bed guys", I say. But in reality I was going to Giulias treehouse.

I needed a rush of nostalgia of old times with alberto, I liked alberto so much. You could even say I loved him.

But I felt as if he didn't feel the same

As I sat and watched the stars, just then I hear someone sit down beside me.

"Luca what's on your mind", alberto asks softly.


It slipped out before I could even stop myself.

Alberto laughs. "Me?? And whys that?", he says smiling at me.

"Well uh", I didn't know how to explain I've had a dream about kissing him, and a dream about almost having sex with him.

"Luca its okay you can tell me", alberto says interrupting my train of thought.

"Well uh...I uh...I've...I've dreamed about you alot", I say stammering.

"Is that so? What about me have you dreamed about ?", he asks.

"well uh". Luca speak. You can trust him.

"Well uh...i-ive dreamed about t-things I know i-ill n-never get to have b-because i love y-you and you d-dont love m-".

Thats when he kisses me. And I know for a fact this time its real. The sparks are real. Im not gonna wake up from this. This is real.

We kissed and never wanted to break until alberto did.

"Luca, I love you too.", alberto says leaning his forehead on my forehead.

"Your perfect luca", He grabs my wrist gently and pulls me back into a kiss.

After a while we layed down beside eachother.

"You know I've always dreamed about getting to kiss you under the stars luca, and I did", alberto smiles.

I feel blush seep onto my cheeks as I hear alberto has dreamed about me too.

I lean my head against his chest. Hes so warm.

"Goodnight luca"

"Goodnight alberto", I smile as I too close my eyes. Preparing for the last day of training tomorrow.

Luca And Alberto: All grown up.Where stories live. Discover now