Final Goodbyes...?

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As I finished packing my clothes into my suitcase I kept thinking. How did this summer go by so fast?

The day I had been dreading since I came back from Genova had arrived.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door.


I turn around to see my mom.

"Mama!!", I say walking up to hug her.

"Ohhh im gonna miss you luca!!!", she says both of her hands on my cheeks.

"Your growing to fast on me!!!!", she says tears welling up in her eyes.

I laugh, "ill miss you to mama!"

My dad and grandma soon walk in.

"Have fun my boy!", my dad says patting my shoulder. I could tell he was holding back tears.

"See you around champ", my grandmother says smiling.

Just then Giulia walks into the bedroom doorway.

"Its time", she says nodding.

"Well let's not keep them waiting", I grab my suitcase and head out the door.

Giulia and Alberto were sitting in the trunk of Massimos Little Rusty Truck.

I climb in and sit beside alberto.

I kept silent, I didn't wanna leave.

I had to many things I haven't gotten to do with alberto yet.

I wanted to stay. With him. But I also wanted to go to school..

"You okay luca?", Giulia asks quietly.

" gonna miss you so much", I say looking at alberto.

"H-hey hey...", he says pulling me into a hug.

"Im always here. Your never without me.

A tiny jolt and then the car stops.

Were here.

Alberto breaks the hug.

"Itll be okay... I promise luca", he says smiling at me.

I hop out of the car walking slowly towards the station.

I didnt wanna leave. I wasn't ready to leave.

As we made it into the front of the train.

I grab albertos wrist and pull him into yet another hug as I shed some tears into his neck.

"I d-dont wanna leave alberto."

"I know...I know... I dont want you to either...but this is what you love right? You love school. So be strong for me... okay?"

"But I love you too alberto... I cant do this without you", I replied still softly crying.

"I love you too" he says.

He then slowly pulls away from me.

"Be right back you forgot your suitcase in the truck", he says running to Massimos truck.

"How you holding up?", Giulia says coming to stand by me.

"Im...okay. just dreading our departure".

"Dont dread it, you'll see why shortly", she says winking at me.

I think to myself. What is she talking about?

I look over and see alberto pulling 2 suitcases, I only packed 1 I thought?

"Alberto why did you bring 2? I only packed 1", I say looking at him.

He smiles.

"The other ones for me"

Tears swell up in my eyes. "A-are you s-serious....", I ask.

He nods and sits the suitcases down walking over to me.

"Remember at my place when ercole ruined everything of ours we made together, like our memories l?"

I nodded.

"And you said, that it was okay because who said we couldn't make more together?"

I nod again.

" coming with you to Genova. So we can make new memories together luca."

I immediately hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you alberto!!"

I break the hug and pull him into the kiss.

Alberto slides his hands around my waist.

As if on cue the train whistle blows.

I break the kiss and we stare into eachothers eyes.

"Ready to go?", alberto winks.

"Whever you go ill always follow", I smile.

And we held hand as we got on the train.

Maybe this year will be the best.

Everything's gonna work out now I have alberto by my side....


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