chapter 33 | glad i knew you too

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it was the morning after the resolution of our fight. i shuffled around in our bed because, for some reason, i woke up way earlier than i thought i was. it was literally 7;29 am. and the morning alarm doesn't go off until 9 am. and considering that we were still in the tour bus, i wasn't about to get up and go in the living room or some shit because bil and drew would still fully be able to hear me and just because my morning started earlier than theirs, doesn't mean they'll have to suffer with me. instead, i silently got up and grabbed my phone from its charging port were from there, i made a run for it back in bed with bil. while i cuddled up under the sheets making sure to be as silent as i could be, i looked over at her to see if she was still sleeping and to my surprise, her eyes were open. not fully but they were also not closed. she looked tired and gave me the i'm going back to bed kinda look. i understood. and while i made myself comfortable, she leaned her head on my shoulder but quickly repositioned her head in my armpit where my arm went over her shoulders. 

at this point, about an hour and a half passed by. i was casually scrolling on my phone when all of a sudden, the morning alarms all went off. fucking shit the way my heart jumped out of my literal body. right as i was about to get up to grab the phones, bil groans and whispered in her little raspy, morning voice "baby stay hereee".

"one sec dummy i have to grab the phones, other wise the alarms won't stop." i answer. 

"fuck the alarms, let's cuddle." she whines. 

i roll my eyes while giggling and went on my way to grab the phones. when i got back, i carefully climbed the stairs to drew's bed and placed her phone beside her pillow where her head was rested then, i stroked her face a couple of times with my thumb and when i saw that wasn't working, i began rubbing her shoulder a couple of times. slowly, she opened her eyes and that's when i whispered "hey d you gotta wake up we have a long day ahead of ourselves." and she simply nodded in agreement to which after that, i figured i'll let her be for the time being and check up on her a little while later but for now, i'm getting back in bed with bil. 

for the next little while, we all sat on our phones but eventually, we decided it'd be best to start getting ready because keep in mind, the flight from vancouver to LA was today and this was one we really didn't wanna miss considering it's the one leading us to our month-long break from the tour. drew was first in the bathroom, then billie and lastly, me. once we all finished getting dressed and whatnot, we took one last look at the bus to see if we forgot to pack anything but luckily, everything was already in our bags and suitcases plus, we'd be back here in a month or so. not long after though, we were finally in the airport all of us, except for bil, waiting for her to finish saying hi to a handful of fans. once that was over, her security team surrounded us. by us, i mean maggie, patrick, finneas, claudia, drew, me and most importantly, the star of the show, billie. right as we were about to enter the gate leading to the plane, i heard a voice calling out my name. at first, i thought nothing of it considering that by now, it happens pretty often given that i'm dating an incredibly famous artist but as we continued walking, the faint calling of my name got louder and more frequent which finally made me look back to see who it was. 

what the fuck. was that.. emma? oh hell no. 

bill was quick to turn her head around after i nudged her arm. i looked over at her and she was in complete shock. we all were. 

"hey!" emma exclaims. 

"hi?" i hesitate. 

"i saw billie had a show last night here and i just so happen to be visiting with my boyfriend, you guys remember him right? anyways, it's my flight back today that's why i'm at the airport. how are you?" she asks. 

she's really gonna bring him up? the only memory i have of this man was his face after she kissed MY girlfriend. 

"oh that's cool. we're good." i reply dryly

"that's so great to hear! so listen, i know i fucked up really bad that night and haven't stopped thinking about how wrong it was of me to ever interfere with you and your relationship with billie and not to mention, create tension where it wasn't meant to be. i'm sorry. can i get a do-over?" she humbly asks. 

"honestly emma, i'd be lying if i said i didn't think about you from time to time but what you did was beyond anything i cold ever come to terms with. no matter how wrong you may think it is now, it doesn't change the fact that you still kissed my girlfriend. so i'm sorry, but no." 

"dude please you have no idea how hard i've been trying to change myself for you. i promise this time it'll be different." she begs. 

"emma listen to me. i think there are people that are able to help you become the person that you end up being. and you can be grateful for them even if they were never meant to be in your life forever. emma, i don't think we were meant to be permanent but, i'm grateful for you and am glad i knew you too." i say. and without letting her say another word, walk away from her, and towards billie and everyone else. thankfully, they all left except for bil who i'm assuming, told them to board the plane considering i was a little busy and i'd only be a couple of minutes but her and i would catch up to the rest of the family in a little bit. she, like the angel she was, waited for me behind the corner.

"holy fuck are you okay babe?" she asks. 

in silence, i nod my head. 

"awh." bil smirked as she wrapped her arm around my shoulders and with her other hand, grabbed my waist closer to hers. while we walked, i slightly leaned my head on her shoulder. 

"you're gonna be just fine." she kisses my head. 

honestly, one of my favourite parts of this perfect girl is the way she always knows exactly how to comfort me. 

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