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Ch. 008 —


Yeonjun approaches me soon after the pair leaves, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks softly.

Yeonjun always knows when something is wrong, he know's everything about me — that's something I've always loved about him.

I've been so selfish to him lately, but I can't get a single word out. Instead, my voice is replaced with the growing vines choking me from the insides of my lungs. It feels like a never ending stomach ache — and a painful one at that. One that stabs at you every waking moment of the day, purposely mocking you for something you can't help but feel. Love is a natural emotion, but to me, it's the most hurtful one of all.

I practically bolt out of the classroom to find the nearest restroom, Yeonjun following close behind. The minute I reach the stall, the endless coughing starts. It hurt worse than before, and it lasts for way longer too. Petal after petal they fall, while Yeonjun makes sure I'm okay by comfortingly rubbing my back.

It only ends when a full flower falls from my mouth, landing on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. The entire thing, stem and petals, look like it's been dipped in blood.

I didn't feel like coughing anymore, but even after emptying all this out of my system, I still feel full. I reach out shakily and grab the once white, now red because of the blood, rose. The blood painted rose. It's the first time I've thrown up the full thing, prickly thorn stem and all.

Why must flowers, a beautiful existence, represent death? They don't deserve this — neither of us do. These flowers deserve the earth to grow out of, they deserve to be free. Not caught in someone's throat like words when you're too nervous to speak during a school presentation.

I need these flowers to be free. Because with these flowers free, I will have a life again. Something I don't want to accept anymore. I want to be free too.

And that's all I could ever ask for.

I look at Yeonjun, unsure of what to do or say, and he has the exact same look as I do. This is breaking him as much as it's breaking me.

I don't know what to do other than choke out a soft sob. My throat is throbbing. The thorns are tearing at my insides and I know it won't be long before I had no more blood left to weep.

Isn't the emotional pain enough already?

Yeonjun holds me while I cry over something that feels too far away. Something that was taken from me without any warning. My life.

However, I feel safe crying in his arms. I know Yeonjun will never leave me like he did.

Please help me move on. Please help me live.

Let me breath again.

Blood Painted Flowers — yeongyu.

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