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Ch. 021 —


Being poked and prodded at isn't fun. Having to talk about the whole situation might have been even worse. But when is it ever? Just knowing I'm doing this to be able to live longer makes it worth it. It's all worth it if it means waking up another day to see Yeonjun.

Who would have thought I'd come to the realization of my true feelings for him during my talk with the specialist.

I told the doctor the same things I told Yeonjun. About my past feelings for Taehyun and the start of these flowers growing in my system. I also expressed my concern for why it's happening less frequently. Does that mean I'm dying?

The old doctor only chuckled at my questions. His words were something along the lines of. "No, Beomgyu, you're not dying. You're moving on."


Moving on.

I mean, it was expected after all. It's something I've prayed for.

During my time with this disease I've come to hate more than love, something I'm not proud of. But maybe that's what brought me out of it. Hate and love. Hating the way my body made me feel — the way I had to go fall in love with the wrong person and get punished for it as a result. I had so much to hate and in my opinion all the right to do so.

But out of that hate grew love, similar to the flowers that grew in my chest.

I learned that even if I fall out of love with one person, I am still capable of loving another. My life shouldn't have to be over just because my love isn't reciprocated. That's where this disease is wrong. I shouldn't have to be punished for not being loved back, instead I should be able to grow past whatever hurts me and be allowed to love freely and fully.

And that is what I'm going to do.

As soon as I step back into the little waiting room I'm greeted by my best friend. Choi Yeonjun. The one who makes me smile without even trying. The one I've been allowed a second chance to love.

"Beoms, you're done!"

He looks happy too, and I understand that it's because of me. If it weren't for the fact I was smiling he would have been worried. I never truly realized before how interwoven our emotions are. How much his emotions depend on me. How much he cares about me.

"I am! The doctor says I'm gonna be okay without the surgery," I reveal.

Yeonjun's eyes widen, the confirmation finally out there. I'm gonna be okay. More than okay.

The older takes me into his arms as soon as the words finally process. "You—seriously? You're cured? No more Hanahaki?"

"Something like that," I laugh. "At least just some petals for the next few days, then after it should be gone completely." Especially after I say what I plan to say. I lower my voice to a whisper, "I want to tell you something when we get in the car."

Yeonjun smiles and nods, and I smile back, while we finally leave the building and make our way back to his car.

Blood Painted Flowers — yeongyu.

Blood Painted Flowers || Beomjun ✔️Where stories live. Discover now