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Ch. 023 —

[Epilogue — Beomgyu.]

I was completely cured from Hanahaki a week after my appointment. That was the last time even a single petal left my system. Ever since then I've been able to live my life the way I always dreamed. A life full of love.

"I'll splash you!" I scream, trying to run away from my boyfriend. It's currently summer break and we're enjoying it to the fullest.

Yeonjun and I officially got together a few days after my appointment, the same day we confessed. Being able to love someone like Yeonjun is so easy (well, anything is easy after going through what I did). I'm so grateful for him and everything he's done for me.

It's crazy the way Hanahaki Disease works. The months I spent choking on those petals all for it to now be a part of my past. It's something I've been able to finally sit and look back on now that I've overcome it. In a way I'm thankful for it. Yes, I'm thankful in the thing that threatened to end my life.

Because after all, that's how I got to be where I am now. Running around on the beach with the boy I love, as happy as I could ever be.

It's like my subconscious knew I loved Yeonjun before I ever realized myself. Otherwise, I would have never been able to get over the blood painted flowers that escaped my throat.

All those times he joked about me being slow and he was right. I really am so oblivious, aren't I? But I guess it doesn't matter now. We're finally together. Me and Yeonjun. Choi Beomgyu and Choi Yeonjun. Just like the universe intended.

I'll never have to go through anything as scary again because I know he'll always be by my side, whether I want him there or not.

"Too late!" Yeonjun yells back, sending a big wave of water at me and completely drenching my hair. I hadn't planned on getting it wet.

"You jerk!"

It's my turn to chase him now, back up to the shore and onto the fluffy sand that kicks up as we run and sticks to our wet legs. We only stop running when I manage to catch him, sending us to the hard ground in a laughing mess.

It takes a few minutes for our laughs to finally settle into something peaceful. And once it does, our eyes lock and that's enough to convey all the feelings we have for each other. Yeonjun reaches up to push my bangs out of my face, a goofy grin on his face while he does so. "You're so beautiful," he mutters.

I giggle, but instead of teasing him for being whipped I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat this way and it's something that never fails to soothe me.

Lying here with Yeonjun is something me from the past could have only dreamed of. Going through what I did to be able to make it to today makes it all worth it — and I know it's something I'll never have to go through again.

Because I know for sure our love is something that will last.

[The End.]

Blood Painted Flowers — yeongyu.

Blood Painted Flowers || Beomjun ✔️Where stories live. Discover now