VII - Ashar

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As a member of Pravus, I swear to protect those who cannot protect themselves and to fight for those who cannot

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As a member of Pravus, I swear to protect those who cannot protect themselves and to fight for those who cannot.

I pledge to stay true to the royal family and to his Majesty, the King.

I promise to uphold the values Kirris, Etarr, and Zalin passed down to us, their children.

And I shall not rest nor ever falter my duties until Vefrea, our gracious land, is free of Junken, evil, and malice, returning it to the unified glory it ought to be.

- The Pravus Oath

Zhios moved swiftly. Each move, each swing was quick yet careful. Ashar evaded each attack, but there was no sign of him slowing down. Ashar went for his stomach. Zhios dodged, striking him in the side. Ashar stumbled sideways, quickly regaining his composure. He landed a blow, but Zhios dodged the second one, kicking Ashar's legs out from underneath him, his black ponytail slapping him in the face. He grunted as he hit the wood, and with that, the breakfast he was suppressing all morning was coming back up. He leapt for the side and spilt his insides into the water below.

"I hate boats," he muttered before belching again.

"If you do this every time you get knocked down, you will never survive an attack at sea," Zhios sterned, his arms crossed.

Ashar wiped his mouth. "Brother, if we ever get attacked on the sea, just throw me overboard. I would be much better use with the fishes."

Zhios didn't crack a smile – not even slightly. He simply said, "Okay," and began walking away. Ashar's eyes widened.

"Hey, I wasn't being serious!" he cried, scrambling for his water bottle and going after him.

Zhios didn't look like much – especially from behind. He was short with fluffy ginger hair. Freckles covered every part of his body so his skin was more orange than pale white. However, no one would dare underestimate him after looking into his cold eyes. He also doesn't seem to sweat – ever. Ashar doesn't know how he does it. It only adds to his theory that Zhios wasn't actually human.

Ashar wiped his forehead and readjusted his Pravus sash as he followed Zhios up to the quarterdeck where another guard steered the ship. However, they didn't get far before the captain's voice bellowed for everyone from the deck they just came from. Zhios rolled his eyes so hard they nearly got stuck in the back of his head.

"We're nearly at Casindath," the captain declared, twirling his long goatee once the other Pravus guards aboard crowded around him. "Once we have landed, we go straight for the Arch. There is a great chance that rebels will be there. Deal with them quickly so I, Landred, Crothwood, and Daisston can go straight into Elior and collect the magician. We shan't waste any time than necessary as Shi'kan has already gladly done that."

Ashar shifted uncomfortably as the captain said, 'deal with them'. Honestly, he had no idea what he was doing there, especially since he had the grand total of zero experience in the field and hasn't even left Polverova since he finished his training. Before this, he was just a guard at the royal palace, doing more protecting than attacking. So was Zhios, but even so, he's still more qualified to be there than Ashar is. He felt more like a nuisance on the ship than anything else. The day he gets to go home will be the best day of his life, but currently, he's looking forward to being on solid ground.

"It's been gone for so long," a guard spoke up. "How will we track it?"

"Same as here, the hounds," Captain answered. "Though the magician isn't able to use magic in Elior, it still has the pure scent of Verfrian magic, and it would be more distinct there. It would be years before it fades, so if the hounds don't pick up anything, then it didn't go through the gateway.

"With that being said," he continued after a brief pause. "When I pass back through the gateway with the magician, all of you must be prepared. There is no telling how powerful it could be. The quicker it's under fiworack, the better. As I said, we will be landing soon. Say your prayers, men. May the Gods be with us."

A collective prayer was muttered as the group disbanded. There was a weird empty feeling of dread in Ashar's stomach – and that wasn't just seasickness because he's already lost his breakfast.

"You do know that you're staying here, right?" Zhios said.


"I'm pretty sure you were told, but there's a great possibility that you weren't listening or throwing up," Zhios shrugged. "You and a few others are staying here so the boat looks occupied to keep the bandits at bay."

A wave of relief washed over Ashar. He smiled.

"Just as long as I can touch some grass, I will be fine with whatever job."

"Well, make sure there's enough fiworack in the diffusers to last the trip back to Polverova," Zhios said. "You will probably be taking care of the magician on board, making sure it's fed and survives the trip. His Majesty wants it well provided for."

"He," Ashar corrected. "I don't understand why you and everyone else on this boat refer to him as an 'it'. It's so dehumanising. Does it make you feel better knowing you're – we're – bringing him to his death?"

"It's for the betterment of Vefrea," Zhios said, zero emotion in his voice. "But this is why it's going to be your job. You're actually going to make sure it or he is well provided for and is comfortable. Still, you also can't allow your emotions be his escape. He has already escaped once before."

"How can you be so calm?" Ashar asked, staring blankly in front of him. "You possibly will kill someone today, and yet there's nothing. I never understood that of you, brother."

"It's my job, and it's yours too," Zhios answered coldly. "We both took the oath, and now we both need to serve it in any way we can. But guess what? You have the option to not spill blood, so I would take it."

"Why are we here, Zhios? Really?" Ashar questioned. "Is it because the chief still thinks I'm untrustworthy after all these years? Are you trying to prove your father wrong by giving me the easiest job on the most important mission?"

"No, the easiest job would be mopping the decks. Also, he's not my father," he said. "Make sure everything is ready when we come back."

After saying that, Zhios walked off, likely to get his weapons and his stuff together. Ashar sighed and rubbed his face.

He made his way up to the quarterdeck and passed by the captain's quarters. There was a door next to it, and Ashar went inside. The room was small and drenched in complete darkness before he lit a candle, and then it was still incredibly dim. Metal fiworack diffusers were lined up on a shelf. Two narrow beds sat side-by-side with only a slither of space between them. One had metal cuffs secured to it with way too many locks. Ashar sat down on it. His fingers ran underneath his hairline at the back of his neck, feeling the three digits.


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