XIX - Tamira

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Dear His Majesty, King Voris

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Dear His Majesty, King Voris

We have successfully taken the magician's blood to Doromus' cave, but upon pouring it upon the altar, nothing happened. May I suggest a live magician is needed for the ritual? I will wait here for a response from your highness.


Captain M. Palon

Tamira's head hasn't stopped buzzing like an alarm clock that didn't have an off button. It was strange, to say the least. The same people that kidnapped and threatened to kill her was now apologetic and some even tried to joke with her. It was as if they were two different groups, and it was impossible to see them anything less than the prior.

Her day consisted of wandering aimlessly around the ship and watching the waves. Ashar would seek her out a lot to check up on her. He was the definition of a social butterfly, and Tamira has never seen him not talking to someone unless he was throwing up or sleeping. He had made some sort of bet with Zhios and was attempting to pickpocket him. He was failing miserably, but it was amusing to watch. He was like a teenager stuck in a man's body.

Tamira sat next to Theodorius' bed as he slept. The sun had gone down a while ago and the ship had fallen silent. Tamira couldn't stay in that small room for long and only came in to go to sleep herself. It made her feel faint. Perhaps it was the unsettling image of Theodorius being constantly unconscious and restrained.

Usually, Ashar would let Tamira take the only second bed in the room, but he had felt especially seasick that day, so he had taken a nap around noon – a nap he hasn't woken up from yet. She could hear him gently snoring behind her.

Tamira's ears perked up when she heard a little grunt. She raised her head to find Theodorius' dazed eyes staring back at her. He was whispering something but it was too hoarse to understand. She positioned her ear in front of his mouth.

"Turn off the diffusers."

Tamira turned her head gingerly towards the metal diffusers. They were on a shelf directly above the sleeping Ashar. She bit her lip.

"How do I do that?" she whispered back.

Theodorius didn't respond immediately. Tamira tapped her fingers against her side impatiently as the question slowly processed through his foggy mind. He was clearly fighting to stay awake.

"Twist it. Just twist it."

"Okay, okay." Tamira silently got to her feet. She gritted her teeth as she reached over the bed for the first diffuser. She twisted it, and it clicked. The click sounded so loud amongst the silence. Tamira held her breath, staring at Ashar, waiting for him to wake up to catch her in the act and send her back to the cell. But Ashar didn't stir.

With a sigh of relief, she moved on to the second one. It made another click, and she held her breath again. Still, Ashar remained asleep.

She struggled to retrieve the third and final diffuser right above Ashar's head. She stupidly twisted it where she found it and click! It was louder than before. Tamira nearly passed out when he stirred, but he only pulled the blanket further over himself, but he didn't wake. She sighed in relief.

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