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Welcome to the Leal Awards 2021

Every other contest promises you recognition and exposure

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Every other contest promises you recognition and exposure. We do too. But we have identified that readers need something far greater.

Not every one of you who enter this contest would win the first place, but a fraction of you will. And those who won't, who'll be left with nothing but a score is not a demotivation, but a chance to improve yourself.

This Awards is not a competition between you and other contenders, but between you and yourself. Aim to improve than you were before and you have already won. Here in the Leal Awards, all of you will get honest and true feedback as well as a reader's perspective on your wonderful stories, as per the definition of the elegant word poses.

All you have to do is get started and await your leal reviews!

Move on to the next chapter to find out the genres of books this contest will be judging.

Cover and Graphics made by myself! :)

Cover and Graphics made by myself! :)

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THE LEAL AWARDS [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now