|| RESULTS!!! || Romance

89 11 10

A very big thanks to all who participated and judged in this contest! Without you, this awards wouldn't have come this far!

Be sure to respect the judge's opinion. If you have any personal objections, gently query them if you need to know how else your book can be improved, or give us a complaint if you feel your book may have been purposely underscored so we may not hire those judges in the future!

Since this awards is intended for self-improvement and also promotion, do read the reviews of the other fellow authors and give their books a read when you find them interested! :)

Now without further ado, let's get on with the results!



AUTHOR: JabreelWilson
BOOK: Redemption
Judged by shazzarra

Cover: 4/10
Blurb: 4/10
Writing Style: 11/15
Grammar and Vocabulary: 10/15
Spelling and Punctuation: 3/5
Pacing and Flow: 5/5
Plot: 6/10
Creativity and Originality: 10/10
Character Development: 6/10
Personal Enjoyment: 5/10

Total: 62/100

First of all, I think it's awesome that you try to shed a light on stigmatized topics, such as STDs and the people suffering from them. However, there is very little romance, only several scenes spread throughout the chapters I have read.

I have previously judged your other book, The Law of The Beasts: Alicia, which is honestly amazing and genuinely fitted the category it was competing in. In this case however, Redemption doesn't quite hit the mark. There is definitely room for improvement.



AUTHOR: charvi118
BOOK: Lost
Judged by McReadish

Cover: 6/10
Blurb: 5/10
Writing style: 10/15
Grammar and: Vocabulary: 11/15
Spelling and: Punctuation: 3/5
Pacing and Flow of the Story: 3/5
Plot: 6/10
Creativity and Originality: 6/10
Character Development: 7/10
Personal Enjoyment: 6/10

Total: 63/100


Blurb and Plot are possibly quite cliche. This book kind of belongs with the plethora of classic hate-love stories here in Wattpad. For a young writer like you, it's impressive that you have written a clear story with strong conviction. I would suggest for you to work on your paragraph construction, dialogues and narrativs. Looking forward for the edited version in the future, all the best! 



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