|| RESULTS!!! || Mystery/Thriller

214 8 37

A very big thanks to all who participated and judged in this contest! Without you, this awards wouldn't have come this far!

Be sure to respect the judge's opinion. If you have any personal objections, gently query them if you need to know how else your book can be improved, or give us a complaint if you feel your book may have been purposely underscored so we may not hire those judges in the future!

Since this awards is intended for self-improvement and also promotion, do read the reviews of the other fellow authors and give their books a read when you find them interested! :)

Now without further ado, let's get on with the results!



AUTHOR: lupe6583v
BOOK: Abusive Revenge
Judged by m2ition

Cover: 5/10
Blurb: 2/10
Writing Style: 0/15
Grammar and Vocabulary: 0/15
Spelling and punctuation: 0/5
Pacing/Flow: 0/5
Plot: 0/10
Creativity/Originality: 0/10
Character Development: 0/10
Personal Enjoyment: 0/10

Total: 7/100

I'm not a fan of quotes on a book cover. I don't think they lend to anything significant other than the author believing that's creative. I'd much rather read their creativity in the blurb. The font color on the book gets lost in the graphic as both are extremely dark yet the quote itself was put in a lighter color. It's all you notice. The title should be what stands out in any book.

The entire blurb is in caps. That was extreme. After the first sentence I felt like I was being assaulted by the information the author was trying to describe and due to that the entire breakdown of the blurb was missed. Which, the blurb format itself was written correctly. Had they used proper grammar rules for a sentence it would have been smooth reading.

The eternal dialogue is not formatted correctly. It lacks quotation marks and reads like part of the paragraph with no distinction.

The tenses were wrong. You went from a character having past tense internal dialogue to present tense action which did not match the subject manner.

There were no sentence breaks nor was quotation marks used succinctly. Some sentences would have them in the beginning while the end would be an indirect single quote mark.

Several words were misspelled to the extreme, however those are words that autocorrect would have picked up on so it's a case of lazy editing.

Storyline Review: This storyline jumped around. It had no flow and all of the grammatical mistakes made it a hard read. What I felt was sad in general was how small the chapters were. I'd say 600 characters tops.

This comes off as a book someone wrote when they were bored.

We went from the dad being shot, then the character at the cemetery (that word is being spelled as "cemetorium") hating on her stepbrother but finding some guy hot. Then she has an emotional breakdown and goes home for some beauty sleep.

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