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After running through the mountains for hours, we returned to the training grounds a little before sunset.

I was exhausted, caked with dirt and sweat, and my body was screaming with pain.

Nyx and Meiko on the other hand were pumped and bouncing off the figurative walls with inhumane amounts of energy.

"That was fun right?" Meiko gently touched my shoulder as she leaned down to comfort my hunched over figure. 

"I-It was interesting." I coughed for air as I struggled to catch my breath.

Kaikane looked better than me, but still tired as he fanned himself in the light of the setting sun. "You'll get used to it after a week or so."

"H-Has the air always been this t-thin?"

"Mhm." He muttered. "Welcome to Spéir where the air shows no mercy."

Nyx wrapped her arms around Kaikane from behind before relishing in the breeze he was making for himself.

"Ahhhhh. This feels good."



"You're hot. I'm hot. My fan can only cool one person."

"You think I'm hot?" She beamed earning nothing but sputters of embarrassment and red cheeks from the befuddled man in her arms. 

"JUST MOVE NYX!" He snapped as he gently pinched at her arms until she flailed away. 

He closed his fan and hid his face with shame as his comrades started to sing teasing songs about him and Nyx sitting in a tree.

"Oi. Enough. What are you all? Children." Horace snorted playfully.

A toned man with gold eyes and hair- also known as Apollo- shook his head.

"Alright you stinky knights. Go wash up and get some grub. You all still have patrol duty to fulfill on the castle grounds."

Everyone groaned except for me.

"What about angel-face J?" Meiko pouted as she hugged me close. "Can he hang out with us?"

"Sure. But after he eats, he has to return to his sleeping quarters."

"Yay!" She pulled me up. "Come on! Let's go shower!!!"

Kaikane yanked us both back and broke our hands apart. "He's a boy. He's coming with me."

"Awww Kai." Meiko whined. "It's not like we'll do anything to each other."

Kaikane ignored her as he led me away to the showering quarters.

Instead of the cold waterfall I was used to, we were in a large steamy room with a hot spring at the bottom of the castle.

The room was bright and filled with many candles and the water smelled strongly of lavender.

"Strip, wipe down in a bucket, and then you can get into the water." Kaikane instructed.

I nodded before working quietly in a corner.

Kaikane arched an eyebrow at me and I shook my head as he approached me.

"Hey, if you're feeling self conscious, we can go to a more secluded section in the spring."

I nodded again.

Kaikane gently guided me to a small pool and let me slip in first before joining me.

The water burned and stung my skin at first, earning a few hisses of discomfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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