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When I woke up, I was in an unfamiliar room.

(A/N: it's just missing a bed canopy that has posts

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(A/N: it's just missing a bed canopy that has posts. 😪)

I was tucked into a soft tan bed and propped against the fluffiest pillows I'd ever laid my head against.

I had never felt so comfortable in my entire life.

Well. Ignoring my current migraine and body aches.

I touched my forehead and flinched at the sharp pain.


The bedroom door opened and Adestes walked in.

"Are you feeling any better?" He arched a brow as he stood by the door.

I remained silent. "..."

I couldn't tell if he hated me or not.

"What? You got your tongue cut out?"


"Oh. So. You don't talk to people like me now?"

I lowered my gaze. "..."

"I haven't the slightest clue what the Prince sees in you. But-" he muttered. "I'd hate to get on his bad side." He pushed a small cart into the room. "You must be famished to say the least."

"Not really."

"Well try sipping on something."

"Can you come back later, please?"

He sighed. "I'll just leave you some bread and water."


"Uh huh." He placed the items on the nightstand before leaving.

I laid there in bed watching the sun set before someone entered the room again.

"How long have you been up?"

My eyes focused on the prince in front of me.

I paled at the blood decorating his skin.

"Why are you covered in blood?"

His eyes darkened. "Work."

"Did you-"

"And if I did?"

"I was just..."


I fell silent. "..."

"Look at me."

"What are you?"

His eyes were glowing red. "What are you?"

I lowered my gaze. "..."


I shivered as I looked up at him with teary eyes. "..."

"You. Need. To. Learn." He hissed. "How. To. Fight."

The King, The Fairy, and The Peasant (JacobxEnoch)Where stories live. Discover now