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I woke up to the feeling of a stack of hay landing on my head.

A scream of horror fell from my lips as my adrenaline managed to toss it across the small barn.

I grunted miserably and glanced at the glowing orange ball of light hovering in front of me.

"Olive." I groaned as I brushed the itchy hay off of me.

"No complaints!" She snapped. "You are my responsiblity!"

"What's wrong?"

"Not only were you out past curfew, but I know you used your powers in front of a knight!"

"He was going to die-"

"People like us aren't supposed to worry about those things." She sighed. "Your main goal is to survive, Jacob." She frowned. "Giving away yourself like that can attract a lot of unwanted attention."


"Do you want- well...you know who... to kill you?"

"That was not my intention." I frowned as I sat up and leaned against a bale of hay.

"Yeah? And then they're gonna want you to train the soldiers..."

"All he asked me to do is, meet him at noon."

She crossed her tiny arms and squinted at me. "What's his name?"


"Does he know yours?"


She smacked her forehead. "Jacob."

"I know. I know. But he looked desperate." I frowned.

The redheaded fairy glared at me. "You know exactly how I feel about mankind."

"I'm one of them-"

"Half of them."

"My mother." I narrowed my eyes.

She sighed. "Jacob, we both know she was different."

"Then Horace might be... Come on..."

Her glow dimmed. "Alright. Fine."

"Yes!" I grinned.

"But if he betrays you, you'll both be dealing with me as a dragon."

"Awww, Livi-"

"Shut it." She scowled, smacking me over the head. "If you stand for the humans, you will be treated as such."

"Ugh. That's no way to treat a-"

Her eyes flashed red and I stopped talking. "..."


"Go eat some bread and clean up yourself, you have a lot to do today."


She relaxed at my compliance and floated away. "I'll be back."


I jumped out of the stack of hay and stumbled towards a large bucket of water I had collected the day before. I dunked my hands in and washed my face before rinsing out my mouth.

I glanced at my reflection and used some of the water to smoothen out my wild hair. Once I thought I looked decent I grabbed my potato sack satchel and pulled out a small slice of stale bread.

I nibbled on it and glanced down at my wrapped feet.

Apparently I'd torn some skin off yesterday while evading the monsters. It didn't hurt due to the assitance of fairy dust, but it looked slightly morbid.

The King, The Fairy, and The Peasant (JacobxEnoch)Where stories live. Discover now