My name in the show is Carmen.
This is terrible and I almost quit because of it.
Apparently I have a love interest in...... Stiles.
And what's even worse is that I have a few kissing scenes with Dylan, this is just great and my boyfriend might try to kill his best friend this is just fantastic.
And I haven't even told Tyler yet so this is going to be great I said sarcastically.
"It's time for Carmen and Stiles kissing scene!" Jeff hollered across the set.
"WHAT?" Tyler screamed.
"Tyler it's part of the show you can't do anything about it." Jeff replied.
Tyler's POV
I silently walked up to Dylan right before the kissing scene when Dakota wasn't around.
"You better not actually kiss her or I will kill you and I'm not joking." I warned.
"I wasn't actually going to because I knew you were going to kill me and jeez dude you gotta learn to chill." Dylan said to me.
"Sorry I'm just really protective over her." I said.
"No kidding." He said rolling his eyes.
I walked over to Jeff's chair and stood next to him.
They were about to kiss and I ran as fast as I could in between them and they both kissed my cheeks.
"Dude what the heck I wasn't going to kiss her." Dylan said.
"I'm sorry I just couldn't handle it, watching you both about to kiss.
"CUT." Jeff hollered.
"Tyler get your ass over here so they can finish their scene." Jeff yelled at me.
"I'm coming." I said as if I were talking to one of my parents.
"Alright let's give this another try." Jeff said.
"ACTION!" Jeff yelled.
Dakota's POV
My lips got closer and closer to Dylan's and then I backed away.
"What are you doing Dakota you have to kiss him?" Jeff yelled.
No I don't, I thought to myself.
"Alright we are going to give this one more try." Jeff said.
It was the final try.
He yelled action and our lips became closer and closer and then he put his hand around me and it looked like we were really kissing but thank god we weren't.
Tyler sighed in relief.
"Trust me I'll give you plenty of kisses when we get back to your trailer."
"I was hoping so." Tyler replied.
When we got to his trailer we turned a few kisses to a make out session.
"I love you." He murmured in between kisses.
"I love you too." I managed to say in between kisses.
Then there was a knock on the door. It was Jeff.
"We're shooting another scene in about ten minutes and have you seen Dakota I can't find her anywhere." Jeff asked.
"Nope she must already be at the set." Tyler said trying to cover for me.
"Ok if u see her let me know." Jeff said and then he walked away.
I ran to the bathroom and saw that my hair was crazy and that my lipstick was smeared across my face.
I grabbed my lipgloss in my pocket and put it on after I cleaned the smeared part off.
"Thanks." I said to Tyler before I went to my trailer to fix my hair.
"For what I should be the one thanking you for that amazing make out session." He said.
"Anytime." I said smirking.
I bolted out the trailer door and ran as fast as I could to my trailer.
I ran up the 3 steps and opened the door and closed it behind me.
I ran to my bathroom and fixed my curly brown with blonde highlighted hair.
I took off the lipgloss and replaced it with the lipstick I was wearing so I didn't get caught.
I once again ran out my door so I could meet Jeff at the set.
And that's when I tripped and fell and then everything went black.
I woke up in the E.R room and all I felt was agonizing pain coming from my ankle.
I was on a gurney and I was surrounded by nurses and Tyler must have followed them there because he was there petting my head and making sure I didn't get up to see my ankle.
Then I fainted.
I woke up in a wheelchair and I had a cast on my foot.
Did I really fall that hard, seriously.
"Thank god your awake." A voice said from behind me.
I turned around and there was Tyler walking up to me in my wheelchair.
"When can I get out of this place, I hate hospitals." I asked him.
"The nurse said whenever you are ready."
"So we can leave right now?"
Tyler rolled me to his car and as he helped me get out of my wheelchair and into the seat, one if the nurses runs up to the car and gives Tyler my crutches.
Great, a wheelchair and crutches.
When we got back to set I was surrounded by the cast and I was on my crutches and after a while these things hurt my arms bad.
I asked Jeff if I could still be in the show or if I'd have to wait for my ankle to heal and he told me he didn't know yet.
Hey guys what do you think he will say ? Will he think of something to put into the show so that she can stay until her ankle gets better? Or will he not?
Wait until next week to find out what happens.
Plz tell me what you think will happen.
Don't forget to vote, comment, share, and follow.
Bye guys.
Luv ya and good bye. 😉

The Neighbor (A Tyler Posey Fan Fiction)
FanfictionHi my name is Dakota Falls. My family and I just moved to California. I have already made one friend in this town and her name is Andrea Baker. I have heard that I'm living next door to a celebrity and his name is Tyler Posey. His first show aired o...