Chapter 17: We'll Get to the Bottom of This

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Alice: I must tell you something Kally.

Kally: What is it?

Alicia: It's about Dante and Pablo Van Brinkhen's ex.

Kally and Dante: What about them?

Alice: Well ... (she tells them everything)

Kally: What did you hear?

Alicia: Just that, they wanted to do something bad to you on your birthday. I'm sorry I didn't hear anything else.

Kally: Don't worry, thanks for the tip.

Dante: Yes, we will get to the bottom of this. Not Kally?

Kally: Yes, but first I have to rehearse for the final which is in two days.

Alicia: With your talent Kally, it is impossible to lose.

Dante: Alicia is right Kally, you are amazing and you are not going to lose.

Kally: Thanks guys!

Alice: Well, I'll go to bed. It was a very tiring day at Allegro.

Kally: Ok. Rest Alice.

Alice: Same Kally (leaves)

(With Dally)

Kally: (worried) Dante, I'm scared.

Dante: Of what?

Kally: Of what Lisa can do.

Dante: Don't worry, I'll protect you. Now only if you want I can stay with you for a while and watch a movie together.

Kally: Ok. But not from terror, they scare me.

Dante: And .. What do you want to see?

Kally: Comedy.

Dante: Okay ... which one do you want to see?

Kally: How about ... Set It Up?

Dante: Okay, they told me it's very funny.

Kally: Have you seen yet?

Dante: No, I haven't seen it.

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