Chapter 19: Goodbye Alice, Kally and Dante

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Ruffo: I have the date when they will go around the world.

Dante: When is it?

Ruffo: It's ... Tomorrow.

Kally: TOMORROW !?

Ruffo: Yeah guys, I didn't think it would be so soon.

Kally: Don't worry Ruffo, thanks for the tip.

Dante: Kally, can you go? Do not leave me alone.

Kally: Obviously I'll go, all to be with the cutest boy in the universe.

Dante: I love you.

Kally: Me more

(Dally kiss)

Alice: (Interrupts) Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt but I have to tell you something.

Kally and Dante: What's up?

Alicia: I'm leaving tomorrow too.

Kally: What? Where?

Alice: (sad) I'm going back to my town.

Kally: (sad) Good.

Alice: (happy) But we'll see each other again in a month.

Kally: (cheerfully) That's true.

Ruffo: Okay, but we are throwing a farewell party for you.

Kally & Dante: You guys?

Ruffo: Yes, all three. The three of them are leaving tomorrow.

Alice: Well that's true.

Ti, An, Lu, Ci, Ma, St: We are going to miss you guys!

Kally: So do we, but I promise I'll be back for my birthday.

Dante: Well guys, it's time to go pack

Kally: You're right Dante.

Dante: Will Kally take you?

Kally: Good.

Alicia: (Interrupts them) Excuse me but ... Dante?

Dante: Yes?

Alicia: Can you take me too?

Dante: (laughing) Sure, after all you have to pack your bags too.

Alice: Okay, shall we?

Dante: Come on.

(Dante, Alicia and Kally leave)

Ruffo: Guys, we should have a goodbye party for you.

T, L, C, M, Al, K: Yes! Let's do it.

Ruffo: Well, it's okay. When I talk to Laia to see if she agrees to do it here, I let them know.

Tina: Does it still trouble you?

Ruffo: Yup, that's Laia.

Tina: Good Ruffo. I'm going to see Kally. Goodbye (she is leaving)

Ruffo: Bye Tina.

(At Kally's house)

Dante: Good. Which country do we go to first?

¿?: How are they going on a trip?

Kally: Uh ...

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