Chapter 6: Kally discovers Lisa's plan

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Kally narrates: I was going to go to the park to relax a bit and rehearse for the treble clef when suddenly I heard a very familiar voice ... It was Lisa! and she was with a boy, a boy who she couldn't see his face. Another insider, I thought. But no, because Lisa called him X. Suddenly, I heard him mention Dante and me. What were they up to? I got a little closer and I could get to hear their conversation, they were talking about phase 2 of a plan. I turned on my phone and recorded the conversation. Minutes later, I sent it to my friend Tina. I came home where I met her, and she said to me:

- Friend, Pedante was right!

- Yes Tina, I must find a way to forgive me (thinks) And I think I already found it.

- Tell me what is.

- Well. (whispers in her ear) Got it?

- Yeah. I'm calling Kevin right now to tell Alex.

(With Alex and Kevin)

- Brother, Dante is very bad.

- I know, we must help ... (Kevin cuts him off your phrase)

-Wait, it's calling me Tina. (He attends):

- Tina, what is it?

- Is Alex with you?

- Yes. He's here, why?

- Put me on speaker, please.

- Okay. (he puts it on speaker)

- Alex, Kevin. We need his help.

- We need, who? -asks Alex-

- Kally and me.

- Okay, with what? - Kevin asks-

- I need to convince Dante to go to the Music Shake, Kally has a surprise for him to get back together.

- YESSSS! Dally! -said Kevin-

- Kevin, are you okay?

- Yes. Sorry, I got excited.

- But ... how are we going to convince Dante? -said Alex-

- You see that. Bye. (she cuts the call)

- Alex, brother. I think I have an idea (he whispers in her ear)

- Good idea Kevin, call Dante.

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